Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

December 9, 2013 - December 15, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Cooperation is good, especially financial and 'behaviorally', the 9th but that can slide 'out of sight', until the 14th, making your mid week a bit challenging, UNLESS you are between 30 and 60 years of age and were born 'early', in the sun sign of Pisces; like 2/19 to 3/2. Those born AFTER 3/2, need to be between 12 and 30 years of age to 'luck out', of the 'challenging part', of the mid week on this one. It all has to do with 'Secondary transit progressions', and that is WAY too complicated for me to explain in lay terms. What you NEED to know is that fuses tend to be short, YOU tend to catch the flack on those who suffer from them and it seems to be 'what you get', for being 'THE UNDERSTANDING ONE', in the family. You see; are 'safe', and they can 'blow at you', and you forgive them easily. It's too late to turn back now, bit it CAN serve as a 'good life lesson', IF you are the right age; like any kind of young enough to make sure this does NOT happen again. IF a 'damper', is put on your 'holiday roll', shake it off, get BACK in the groove and remember; they love you and trust you because you ARE 'safe'.

Love Horoscope

The good news HERE is that love life tends to roll along nicely this week with 'high appreciation', levels, reflections of gratitude made OFTEN and 'warm affection', obvious sexual drives and other types of 'interest', may be paid to you on 'past investments', of time, effort, love, affection and even money that you MADE and possibly have totally forgotten about. Your first question may be ..."how come...." and the reply that jogs your memory may surprise you, as it would have been something you do 'anyway', or 'in a typical knee jerk fashion', but THEY 'saw the world in it'. Now, that is what you get for 'just being you'. You PAY on the family end but collect on the love one! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Collecting on Friendship investments is also very likely this week as almost 'your every need', seems to come with a quick response and an extra nine yard 'effort', attached, especially by pals like Aries, Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo and Aquarius. Gratitude is expressed 'over and over', this week and in a WIDE variety of formats! Don't buy if you can 'borrow', and be sure to 'put it out there', in your 'friendship network', before you PAY or shell out too much effort, time or energy trying to 'do it all by yourself'. You have got to GIVE 'reciprocity', energy a chance to play out and/or 'work!'

Career Highlights

Some of you DO tend to 'cut too much slack', to others, give the farm away and allow too many small financial 'leakages', to dribble out of your wallet this week. People tend to VALUE what they PAY for and have little respect or admiration for anything they 'got for FREE', or through 'little or NO effort'. Place a reasonable value upon what you do, who you are and what goes along with what you are giving, doing, sacrificing or replacing for them. It is not a matter of 'how easy it is for you', or even 'if you got it for nothing yourself anyway', it is about 'placing value upon YOURSELF. Discourage power OR money people from exploiting you or 'taking advantage', of your usual generous or kind nature. IF you do not 'set the pace', people tend to set it FOR you this week and the end result will be that you 'will take a pounding', of some kind; time, effort, reputation or money. Something 'unfortunate', may happen to a coworker, constituent or associate the 13th and it may be wise for you to disassociate yourself until ALL is 'known/seen'.


Reasonable for the most part and 'scant', if you LET it be.

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:


Karma Numbers:

0, 2, 12, 20, 22,

Buzz Words:

No good deed goes unpunished.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your opting to take the difficult route and take on a new challenge. This will not be easy all the time, but the outcome will prove to be well worth the effort. Someone close to you could be a little defensive and you will have to watch your words. Choose what you say very carefully to avoid hurting other people's feelings. You could have the feeling of being under siege, as several social events end up at your place, or people invite themselves around at the last moment. Don't let your space be invaded. Learn to put your foot down. Make a new resolution, not to let others get away with making hurtful remarks. Lucky Numbers: 3, 4, 14, 32, 42, 47 Read more...

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