Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

January 11, 2021 - January 17, 2021


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

What makes Monday the 11th so accomplished is there are highly agreeable aspects that all support both your external and internal selves and have them running like clockwork. Your movements are smooth and your timing is perfect and most of the day move seamlessly by and seems shorter than normal.

Tuesday the 12th may not have as special of a ring as Monday did but your ESP is sky-high and good enough to take to the bank and many of you will cut out of work in the mid-to-late afternoon and go straight to your favorite chance taking place. And you will score very high.

Wednesday the 13th others need you very much. They need your insight, your direction, your professional opinion and just anything from you will carry them over the rough spots and excite them with the favor of your comments. It's like you are the Wizard of Oz and they have arrived at emerald city.

Thursday the 14th it will take some time for you to come a few people down in the morning hours who have their backup over a number of issues. They're very likely may be conflict between a number of people either it within the family or at the workplace.

As you attempt to quell things be very careful whom or what you get between. Your stealth and insightful abilities are always spot-on but don't let anyone kill the messenger. Keep your back to the wall if you are going to help as people get sour in the morning and highly excitable in the afternoon. Do what you can... not all you can.

Friday the 15th is a total one-eighty as the day itself is a productive and clearly helpful with excellent vibes and wonderful accomplishments. The evening is a total cakewalk for romance and you are number one with a bullet for having the best romantic luck of all 12 signs.

Saturday the 16th is a pleasant day with excellent accomplishments and everyone seems to be in the best of moods and the most willing and competent of partners.

Sunday the 17th there are distractive and sensitive emotions about in the morning but they settled down quickly just after lunch any fuzz with excitement as everyone seems to be involved in extraordinary zesty pursuits and the drive to gain through more work.

Love Horoscope

Romantic success is very impressive this week with a huge cross section of Fish, paired or single, doing very well with upgrades, quickly formed attachments and very smoothly running openers. Things may really heat up near Thursday to Saturday when singles are most likely to find long lasting candidates. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends are also indicated and while some may escalate later into lover they easily start out, this week as friend of a friend introductions. Paired Pisces appear to add new pals also only without the romantic potential and more likely same sex orientation buddies who end up loving all the same things you do; making for a wonderful companion over the coming years.

Career Highlights

Your career is really happening this week and advances, upgrades, landing big accounts, fat red feathers in your cap and gainful employment beyond what you were hoping for all appear likely. Many Fish will be landing dream jobs or migrating over to positions far more comfy and profitable. A hike in prestige is also indicated!


Improving, nicely

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Improving nicely.

Karma Numbers:

0, 2, 3, 5, 7

Buzz Words:

Realistic gambles.

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Capricorn

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your emotionally sensitive feelings to everything around you. The new millennium will bring your feelings closer to the surface. A real commitment to what you do will bring you an instant return. You'll be able to expand your home environment with improvements and enlarge your family circle by inviting friends to share your joy. This week-end is a good time to share some happy moments with others, to reflect on your future together. Disappointments from coworkers could tempt you to try to hide your head in the sand. Don't you dare! High honors are due to come your way. You deserve whatever you want. If you don't see the right re-action, ask for an explanation. Build on your momentum by doing things to benefit the community around you. There will always be plenty of time for personal gain, later. Read more...

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