Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

June 25, 2012 - July 1, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Cooperation is poor the 25th to 17th but your patience seems strong and your optimism supports it the most. An unsound decision may 'threaten' your common sense the 25th; do NOT rely upon the cosmos for this one! Cheerful attitudes near the 27/28th and 'the end' of 'an older problem' may give you renewed courage and hope, especially for youth, in-laws and Libra, Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn or Scorpio members. A long talk near the 29th may be 'just what everyone needs' and your perspective may help them to see past their short noses.

Love Horoscope

Some of you show excellent opportunity if you're single and even better opportunity if you're paired, near the 26th to 28th to either land a prospect or improve a status to 'the next level'. Running into an 'old love' in 'some form or another' is highly likely near the 29th to 30th, especially IF they are Gemini, Virgo, Cancer, Sagittarius or Capricorn. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

New friends also appear likely near the 29th to 30th as does running into old pals who bring new assistance in either career OR love/personal situations! Enjoyable gatherings and several invitations appear likely near the 29th to 1st.

Career Highlights

Having to travel for your career is very likely this week as is 'dealing long distance or foreign' with big companies, governments or 'high ranking officials'. Power people favor you, money men give you the nod and 'big deals' high end or powerful 'energies' appear compliant and successful. A later day mistake on the 29th may not be yours, but yours to fix, nonetheless.


Very good!

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Insightful and philosophical

Karma Numbers:

4, 9, 11, 35, 49, including 1949

Buzz Words:

Hidden Benefits

Compatible Sign(s):

Virgo, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to keep on track. Others may be concerned with adding to your purpose, but you need to focus on your immediate objectives. You're playing for keeps, so you'll have little patience for detours or changes in plans. Somebody may try to slip something past you, be aware but don't let on. Family and old friends are the best company for you right now. You'll learn an important lesson. Sharing will be necessary. The message will become clear and positive. Many will vie for your attention and some will insist on becoming a part of your entourage. Your popularity will soar. Read more...

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