Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

August 26, 2013 - September 1, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

A 'co venture' appears to go very well near the 26/27th and while this one may unfold in career for more Archers than not, it may also be a family member that is involved, especially a spouse of any sign or Libra, Aries, Leo or other Sagittarius. Seasonal chores may require extra effort near the 28th to 30th, as it looks as if you are 'in a scramble' of some kind, especially if you have 'big plans' for the 1st. Keep your word to a member the 1st 'no matter what' or risk 'an or else'.

Love Horoscope

Romance requires the same 'dedication' the 29th to 1st or that 'or else' could smack you straight in the PUSS and your happy little love/sex life may go right down the CRAPPER! Once we clear the 1st, you're home free. Single Archers may hit promising pay dirt the 26th during the day time and the later hours of the 29th clear through to the end of the 1st. Good luck...! Email me through this site if you have ANY questions or you appear to be 'hitting this one' or even "coming CLOSE to it." Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends may extend invitations and 'hidden within them' MAY be a small 'white' lie or 'agenda' and you could find out 'in the middle of it all' the ulterior motive would have been BEST expressed 'up front'. To keep that friendship, you may want to 'be a sport' and give them what they want but sit them down right soon after and make sure they realize 'the other way' will be better for you both 'in the long run/future'.

Career Highlights

Your territory, influence and/or horizons may definitely broaden this week as your stars show high growth potential but don't get your wallet ready to expand just yet...this energy appears to be foundation work with heavy investments of time, effort, reputation and patience. The profit appears to flow in as soon as the end of Sept, mid Oct, early Nov or as far out as early Feb '14 or even later March of '14. Travel can definitely be involved in any or all of these timelines and/or be 'connected' in odd or unusual ways to a variety of different situations.



Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Insightful and anxious

Karma Numbers:

5, 9, 14, 32, 50

Buzz Words:

I can handle that...

Compatible Sign(s):

Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to overcome new personal challenges and a new sense of direction. You may feel as if there are too many things to decide on. Take the time to read, write & express your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you may feel an awakening of ideas, you shared with someone, long ago. That person may remind you of something very important that you forgot. Stress that seemed so intense, lately, may lessen, as the week goes by. Take the time to enjoy all of those favorite things, that you really like to do. Don't be afraid to express yourself. You need to open your mind & your heart to someone who shares your goals. There are no restrictions for you, this week. You may just find the answer to your personal & professional problems. Take your direction from the simple things in life. Your cycle will move up & you'll be able to rediscover yourself & what you need to feel happy. You need to work hard to achieve your immediate goals. People admire you for your determination. Sometimes you need to reward yourself for a job well done. This may also be a good time to add to your art collection, as your keen sense of valuables might just find a real treasure. Lucky Numbers: 32, 33, 34, 44, 46, 47 Read more...

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