Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

June 1, 2015 - June 7, 2015


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Boy, is YOUR week 'jam packed' and there not only will be spending, traveling, solving and exciting gatherings, there is also likely to be big changes and big decisions. Please make sure you keep a spouse 'on the same page' with you as Mercury IS retro and any topics that involve spending or 'debt' need to be 'out in the open' and as soon as they happen. DO NOT assume 'he/she will just love this' and go do it. Warm sentiment starts to gather near the 5th and long talks that repair fences ARE likely, even in LONG TIME estranged members.

Love Horoscope

Sentiment RULES this week and the 'farther back' a status goes, the more clout it carries. SOME of you will decide to 'hang in there' strictly due to the 'amount of time' or the 'memories factor.' Old loves CAN return in any form from actual presence to 'news or gossip.' Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer head the list of likely players. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You appear to 'really get around' this week and exchanges with others look like BEE hive activity in your stars; here, there, you go, they come, you leave together, you join more, etc. What a tossed salad of activity and it can current or old pals; the older the ties, the more likely the gatherings and exchanges.

Career Highlights

Well, with the moon in Sagittarius, not only during the FULL moon on Tuesday the 2nd but for the three days it appears to be 'pulling all the strings' you may be able to waltz just about anything you WANT pass power people, committees, coworkers and clients. During the retro; higher rates of cooperation for YOU, than many other signs, may make these somewhat 'challenging days' a cake walk for YOU. Just make sure ALL or any of your 'long distance' or foreign dealings are 'in place' and secure and rest should be easy.


All over the MAP. Be protective, especially with foreign connections and any 'invaders.' HACKING!

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

In need of thinking 'protection always.'

Karma Numbers:

3's in everything, especially combined with 0, 1, 9, and then 44 and 50.

Buzz Words:

Nothing replaces 'on hands experience.'

Compatible Sign(s):

Sagittarius, Cancer, Aries, Scorpio and Leo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to get past the outer wrappings. If you aren't getting ahead you should consider what your options are. You may find it difficult to talk to your partner if you have been experiencing a change of heart. This will be a make-or-break period in your relationship. Partners may want more than you can give. Don't make promises or commitments that you know you can't live up to. Accept changes in your home. Stay calm and look deeply. Take a few steps back from your personal situation and re-evaluate your position and direction. Investments made recently will appear to be prosperous. You may find yourself upset with colleagues or your boss, keep your cool and let it pass. You should be more intent on making yourself look good, not on making others looking bad. Lucky Numbers: 9, 27, 29, 36, 39, 49 Read more...

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