Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

November 18, 2019 - November 24, 2019


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 18th brings you a great deal of work to do and lays it at your feet so that you can make the proper choices and choose from among the duties handed to you. If you can, choose to do them all and finish them as best you can expeditiously and cheerfully.

Tuesday the 19th indications are for excellent progress and any ideas or plans you have also get the same kind of support and progress that you have with your normal regular day.

Wednesday the 20th with Mercury going direct you may be invited to travel or may be sent on travel assignments of some kind.

Thursday the 21st your schedule may be interrupted frequently and it will require patience for you to focus and refocus often. Do not lose your temper.

Friday the 22nd the sun enters Sagittarius in the early morning hours and you will find abrupt changes throughout your day to greet you for this first day of Sagittarius. Be adaptable and savvy. Most of all be willing to embrace any changes as challenges and use your problem solving skills to impress those around you.

Saturday the 23rd cheerful cooperation, warm affectionate attitudes and excellent support from family members appear likely for a hefty cross section of you.

Sunday the 24th life appears happier and more joyful especially if you have Taurus, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Cancer around you.

Love Horoscope

Romance, on the other hand, may seem to "take on a life of its own" this week, almost in what appears to be an out of your hands situation or two! While successful energies are indicated for the 18th to 21st, they are not without the gross effort it may take to get them there through talking, negotiating, compromising and settling especially if Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Leo are involved. Single Archers may hit it rich by landing professional partners who double their income or ownings especially with property and land through signs like Scorpio, Taurus, Aries, Leo and Gemini. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Having to repay a favor possibly one you effectively forgot may cause a small scramble for a tiny cross section of you near the 20th to 22nd; now, please do not go nuts and try to make up for your own forgetfulness by blowing them over. They most likely are not beating you up for overlooking anything half as much as you tend to beat yourself up for having overlooked something! Invitations to travel, share events/hobbies or comfort/sooth a pal are very likely near the 22nd to 24th and being quick and helpful is essential, even if all you do is listen and maybe do a little hand holding.

Career Highlights

This can be a very big week for many Archers with hot home runs, once in a lifetime opportunities thus far, and, things that top or better, goals or accomplishments you thought were it as far back as either the cycle of March 20th of last year to March 20th or even just as far back as last May/June. Push on and keep your mind open as knee jerk thinking like: "Oh, that could never happen!... " may be a death knell to your chances! The impossible dream may be more obtainable than you think this week, especially if omens or assistance comes in anywhere near mid day, especially early afternoon the 18th, early AM the 19th, late on the 20th or any time on the 22nd.


CAN be impressive

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Focused and razor sharp as I may have said before.

Karma Numbers:

9, (if Sagittarius numbers start with 9 ever, it's a very good sign and it's likely you may see 9 come out of my hands often; it's not a repeat. You are a member of the 9th house!) 11, 16, 32, 44.

Buzz Words:

"Keep it simple, stupid." One of my very favorite buzz phrases; designed to give you the message; "don't over complicate things this week" -- but doing it with humor.

Compatible Sign(s):

Other Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries and Aquarius (hence the 11 in your number karma!) Keep in mind, there are times when some of your usual number karma can actually work against you!

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by listening rather than talking. You may have a serious conversation with an older person and he or she may reveal valuable information. You may wind up in a dispute over something minor. If you enjoy a stimulating debate, it might be just what you need. You shouldn't promise more than you can deliver, you could be tempted to do so. Think carefully before making your pitch. It's great to get your enthusiasm up and to inspire others, but consider the costs of time, money and energy in your calculations. An innocent remark could provoke a powerful response from you. You could over-react to what someone else tells you, or one of your comments could trigger intense feelings. Rather than attack or withdraw, find a relatively neutral place to process the information. You can build trust by working through complex situations. If you get your facts together and expand your knowledge base, you could ultimately expand your income, financial status. Read more...

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