Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio

Scorpio Horoscopes

October 12, 2015 - October 18, 2015


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Spending is ON the rise this week and will STAY steady and about the same amount until the 16th, when it actually goes UP when it comes to vehicles, repairs, appliances, entertainment and travel or the cost of visitors. While many of the expenses appear 'reasonable' typical and in some cases, even necessary, most of it goes to 'enhance' family life significantly and there may be many very 'pleased' members, including spouse. NEW appliances may be your best choice, especially IF older ones ARE 'on their last leg'. WHY wait until you are without a water heater, can't wash or dry clothes or have no oven/stove to cook on!???

Love Horoscope

Well, if what you want is a 'boatload of passion and quality sexual encounters' you sure have your WISH this week! One day after another, starting the night of the 13th and running CLEAR THROUGH to the end of the 18th, [19th actually], you show one 'onslaught after another' and this is if you are single or NOT! Younger, paired Stingers had better be very careful that their spouse does NOT get the wrong idea or you will be talking and dealing a WHOLE different dance by week's end! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

The spotlight DOES seem to be 'on you' this week from the 13th to 16th and it isn't even your birthday! Maybe gatherings to celebrate your accomplishments -- of which there may be either MANY or one BIG, milestone type one... but for whatever reason, your stars show several various gatherings from small and impromptu to well planned and splashy, possible! Enjoy... but keep your more personal emotions and deep feelings to yourself at this time. IF you feel an urge to 'share' set 'alone time' up with a buddy or buddies.

Career Highlights

Those of you who have had ANY length or type of 'waiting or dangling' will see it END this week and YOU can do the dangling, make them do the waiting and decide the 'timing' on many things as being 'in the cat bird's seat' favors you greatly this week, especially the 14th to end of 15th. Some of you will move mountains this week and those days may be pivotal and likely may be involved in some way or have things emerge 'as a result' of those days.


VERY promising, especially the 13th to 15th, with the 14th your 'big, red-letter day'.

Overview for Scorpio

State of Mind:

Hesitant, when bigger 'risk factors' are present; otherwise, very confident.

Karma Numbers:

2's in all things, doubled AND tripled, especially if/when combined with 0, 1, 4, 7 and 9.

Buzz Words:

Your 'test' can often be to just 'let it dangle there' and watch what happens, who acts, how they act and etc.

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus! ...some Cancers, especially July Crabs, other Scorpio and November Sagittarius.

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your realization that you need to be good to yourself and those you love. The real world is strange enough without making things worse. Don't trust anyone who won't look you in the eye. You have to disconnect your emotions from a difficult situation. Once you do, your energy will increase. Use your resources to find new ways to complete your tasks. This is a time for accomplishment. You are a champion for those who need an advocate. You can make the impossible look easy. The services that you perform now are sure to earn you points. You will do well if you are intent on doing your best and offering a helping hand to those who ask. In a little while, you'll be able to laugh about this whole thing and be yourself again. Lucky Numbers: 11, 14, 26, 28, 45, 49 Read more...

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