Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

August 12, 2013 - August 18, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Financial woes may continue to somewhat 'press down' until the 15th, when they lift. Misunderstandings may require you to 'set them down' and 'sort through' issues, with the BEST of intentions, but the only good 'discussion' time appears to be the 15/16th. Enjoyable gatherings, excellent bargain hunting and expedition of chores appear to fill the 17th. Avoid being 'sarcastic with loved ones' the 18th. Own the/any "frustrations," and DO NOT 'dump them on others'.

Love Horoscope

Romance may require a LOT of talking through emotions the 12/13th, sorting and deciding the 14/16th and some 'practical application and discretion' the 17th. Single Bulls may hit hot pay dirt 'successfully' the 12th during day time meetings, the evenings of the 15th and 17th, especially at gatherings and all day the 18th, IF, they let the other person 'do all the talking'. Zip that Bull LIP! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A pal may be in great need near the 12th and you could have to 'put something on the line' from money, time and effort to reputation and risk. Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo, Aquarius and other Bull pals appear candidates on this one; think 'history' first before committing TOO much of 'yourself' time or resources. Make sure they are truly 'worthy'. Avoid getting 'between two or more buddies' locked in an issue near the 16th to 18th.

Career Highlights

Things may seem to be 'moving way too slow' for you near the 12th to 14th but pushing the issue is NOT the answer; wait for outcomes with patience, especially IF power figures, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius or Leo are involved. Issues go far more 'in your favor' the 15/16th but not 'without a discernible level of work' of some kind. Off site schmoozing REALLY pays off the 17th!


Promising but not until AFTER the 15th.

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

WAY too eager at times.

Karma Numbers:

13, 14, 54, 56, 75

Buzz Words:

Focus on the future

Compatible Sign(s):

Leo, Capricorn

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by this being an excellent time to be out and about. There are significant opportunities to make connections, exchange information, and to learn something through a meeting or chance encounter. Letters, phone calls, and conversations that you initiate are productive at this time. Making decisions or long-range plans is favored now. Your judgment is sound. Making worthwhile professional contacts, reaching out to others who can help you in your work, and taking care of business in an orderly, clear way are also likely. Lucky Numbers: 17, 28, 34, 35, 37, 42 Read more...

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