Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

October 14, 2013 - October 20, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Get as much done the 14/15th as you can since demands on your time and patience escalate along with spending the 16/17th. Enjoyable gatherings and exciting news are likely the 18/19th but once again you appear to have to dip into your wallet; possibly for hosting, entertaining or 'rewarding' efforts. Family expansion is indicated along with some 'last minute stunning news' of some kind. Think before just 'blurting out' comments.

Love Horoscope

Romance packs some powerful emotions this week and chances are you're paired to one of many signs 'riding emotional roller coasters' so just sit back, think it through, show strong support when in doubt and wait before speaking or issuing an opinion; your stars show it is safest near the 21st to 23rd. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Pals may definitely need some 'rescuing' this week and if it's an extra pair of hands, good sound advice, someone to drive, the loan of a pick up or a pal at their side; you're the Bull but IF it's cold hard cash, better make sure this is a pal with a good 'track record' for repaying.

Career Highlights

Focus on 'business not personal' the 14th and wait for 'good news' before spending/investing the 15th. A power person may decide 'in your favor' the 16th and if they do NOT, it may be wise to stall or wait until they DO. The 'green light' on legal issues is likely near the 17th. Financial backing and 'spending money to make money' are either/both likely the 18th. In both cases, you do well.


Promising and 'ongoing'.

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Focused on the future

Karma Numbers:

5, 10, 11, 15, 25

Buzz Words:

I can do it/this!

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Pisces

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your innovative ideas and your energetic nature. This force will help you to push your ideas into motion. You'll be receptive to new ideas and concepts. Friendships could develop into serious partnerships. You must act quickly if you want to meet your deadlines. Don't hesitate to ask others for favors owed. You have more allies than you think. Don't let boredom stand in the way of doing a good job. Put some flair back into your work or move onto greater challenges. Attend motivational seminars that will help you to reach your potential. Don't be angry with those who don't show the same excitement regarding your projects. Emotional upset is likely, curb your reactions to situations regarding home and family. Delays due to transportation difficulties may cause a snag in your plans. Lucky Numbers: 9, 19, 22, 26, 29, 44 Read more...

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