Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

October 11, 2021 - October 17, 2021


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 11th your morning is cheerful and easy but your afternoon may contain several favors that are asked of you or work that is brought to you and you must embrace it with a good attitude.

Tuesday the 12th additional things may be brought to you and it would be wise to take them one at a time, finishing one thing before moving on to the next.

Wednesday the 13th you are friendly and lighthearted to all and that attitude may draw the eye of Mr Big who is watching you for greater things.

Thursday the 14th harmony and cheer surround you and it's a smooth and profitable day for you.

Friday the 15th attitudes are friendly and accomplishments come easy with high contentment levels in the evening and excellent personal and romantic success likely for a hefty cross-section of you.

Saturday the 16th relax with friends but keep in mind that you have a tendency to be extravagant with time, effort, energy and money. In the evening there's a great deal of emotional happiness and calm indicated in what you pursue.

Sunday the 17th is a very insightful and psychic day for you and you are able to direct yourself well with the days activities and the camaraderie of friends and family.

Love Horoscope

If you are a typical Taurus, love is where you took the biggest hits and even more need to digest is in your love stars. Take your time. Make no rash, harsh or fast decisions. This is a challenging retrograde: Mercury will go direct Monday next week and your world will rock itself back into place any time between Saturday and then. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You don't need money this week: just laughter, lots of joy and good times are indicated. But there is one fly in the ointment: take care with Aries pals, they went through a very bad spot lately and are only now coming out of it. If a buddy screwed up, Aries or not, be forgiving! It's all we have: generosity of soul/spirit that we can all afford.

Career Highlights

You're laying in the weeds. Building up bucks, bang, power or whatever and it is soon time to spring, pounce and glean, rip, tear, store and profit. Packrat Bulls sock it away. Zippier ones tend to spend -- worth it, but costly. How do you invest? We all do in some way, lots of ways, not all are money you know; antiques combine love and passion with enjoyment that pays for itself by the time you are ready to let it go. Let it go! Unless you are young and then you are a Bull that is taking it all in. It's all fluid and it flows; the Bull loves the flow.



Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Filled with recent lessons.

Karma Numbers:

1, 4, 16, 32, 70

Buzz Words:

Make it last.

Compatible Sign(s):

Cancer, Virgo

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by your ability to find beauty in something that others may not appreciate. Watch for ego clashes, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, even if you don't think it makes sense! You'll end up hearing the same old song one time too many. When your patience is running low, it's hard to keep your temper. Change the music before someone gets their feelings hurt. Your own morale soars when you surround yourself with rational people. Spirituality and money are not always mutually exclusive. Put your time to its best use by doing what is possible. You may arrive in the perfect place at the worst time. An overly ambitious reach might just get your hand slapped. Finish up your work and call it an early weekend. Read more...

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