Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

March 12, 2012 - March 18, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your week may be fraught with pit falls and loss, setbacks, cost overruns and unreasonable behavior head the list. Your nervous system may to on overload and the demands of the 13th and 15th may rattle them additionally. Furthermore, sudden change, loss or misunderstandings may surface the 18th and last into the 20/21st. There IS good news, however, as employment, family expansion, including births, weddings and moves, along with increase in future income may be cause for big celebration or planning near the 13/14th to 17th.

Love Horoscope

Romance does NOT do well this week for a hefty section of Virgos as loss and downgrades in status ARE indicated but ultimately, the cosmos may have a 'bigger plan' and its making changes to make room for new opportunity. Omens near the 12th to 14th may give you new insight, especially if Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Libra, Gemini, Cancer or Sagittarius is involved. Any loss is likely to be quickly followed by new opportunity. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends may move on, away or migrate out of your life due to marriage, promotion or loss and it is a 'part of life' this week. New friendships can be 'born' out of the connections involved as those who 'tend to take their place' may become 'fast friends' themselves.

Career Highlights

With Mercury going retro the 12th, many Virgos may get 'sad/bad news'. It's typical but appears short lived with new opportunity flowing in as soon as the 15/16th, 22/23rd or weeks of the 26th and 1st. Change may hit suddenly either the 13/14th or 18th and appears to be something you 'should not fear but embrace' although it may not appear to be so 'on the surface at the time'. Upgrades, promotions and opportunities to 'show your stuff' may be hidden within the changes.


About to improve big time.

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Feeling 'threatened' at times, but you may be 'jumping at shadows'.

Karma Numbers:

9, especially in phone numbers and addresses, 17, 22, 35, 67

Buzz Words:

Ultimately, it's 'all for the best'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your plans to conquer your world. You'll have plenty of ideas, but you must be careful not to take on too much. Less is best this week. Arguments will evolve if you are overly opinionated. Secret information will aid you and hard work will pay off. Your concern with financial security will prompt you to find out more about investments. You'll meet interesting new people if you attend events. If you focus on what's really important to you, success will follow. If you recognize your limitations and ask for assistance, you will do much better than even you anticipated. Stress & long hours can cause havoc on your health. Find yourself a healthy regime of stress reducing exercise and healthier eating and you'll be able to think and work more effectively. Complete those jobs that have been nagging you lately. Read more...

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