Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

May 11, 2015 - May 17, 2015


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Clearly, you will have a week of challenging energies from the night of the 11th until the mid AM of the 14th and while it will 'vary' for many of you as to the 'types of challenges' that are afoot, they are there in quantity NONETHELESS. For those financial: relief can come as soon as the 17/18th. For those emotional: it CAN go from bad to worse; stall on any non important discussions. For those for whom it is 'physical' you WILL mend, it will cost and it MAY take until as soon as the 14th or 17th or as far out as the week of the 25th.

Love Horoscope

Critical statements in love are TYPICAL this week and IF you are told something that 'really hurts your feelings' the most important thing to do is SET them down and make sure 'this is what you heard'. Misunderstandings are very close what with Mercury going retro on the 18th; make sure of that first. This is NOT a good week for 'starting a love match'. It fizzles FAST... Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You worry too much. I know I have been really pounding on this message to you as of late, but it is a good idea to remember that you ARE prone to that and to 'count your blessings' through the good things your true friends bring you. Some of you are really going to NEED them, especially navigating the challenges indicated for the 12th to early 14th...Good luck to all of you! Most common is just minor 'illness or injury' that has you 'fatigued, disadvantaged or off your feet'.

Career Highlights

Hard, unreasonable or even nasty work, employment, income and even 'just having something to do' that others 'value' is essential and may keep you tied to even THE most offensive of jobs. Your stars do show some VERY 'rough rows to hoe' the 12th to 14th and hacking it may NOT be easy. IF you are still employed the 15th; you made it. IF you are not happy; use the 20th to 22nd to start shopping for 'any other job' but the one you've got, while still holding on to it, however!


There MAY be 'cause for worry' but nothing you are not already experienced at handling; more of an inconvenience, really.

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Strong until the 12th into 14th and then back to resilient and brilliant again.

Karma Numbers:

3, 4, 5, 9, 11

Buzz Words:

Don't 'set it in stone' until you FEEL it is alright to do so.

Compatible Sign(s):

Leo, Taurus, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your sense of belonging to something greater. Others may strive to win, you are happy just to belong. It doesn't take much to remind you of how lucky you feel. Incorporate your imagination into everything you do. The more you learn, the more eager you will be to use your knowledge. Original thinking will help you to see a broader perspective. Beware of the troubles into which your insecurities could get you. Satisfaction could be a lot closer than you thought. You'll be surprised by behavior of a Sagittarian native. Writing and speaking will bring your project a strong dose of intellectual energy. Prepare a new, shorter list to help direct your work. Lucky Numbers: 12, 15, 27, 29, 36, 46 Read more...

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