Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

May 15, 2017 - May 21, 2017


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Many of you will put a great deal of effort into Monday the 15th and Tuesday the 16th with some form of tedious effort and a lot of what appears to be maintenance money. Some of it may be to placate members but the lion's share appears to be to stock shelves, repair items, upgrade necessities and even streamline convenience is. Elders may need attention the 17th and 18th but enjoyable gatherings, celebrations and even dining out appears likely the 17th and 18th. Sentiment rules and observing birthdays, anniversaries, announcements and joyous occasions appears likely the 18th or 20th. Some of you may experience personal fatigue, minor illness or minor setbacks the 19th but you will recover from these quickly. Loss is also possible including pets, elders and some form of energy or status. Highly enjoyable gatherings the 21st appear to make any challenges you do encounter this week a distant memory.

Love Horoscope

Romance this week holds a great deal of promise for single Virgos with excellent in counters near the evening of the 15th anytime the day of the 17th and near the 19th and 21st. Upgrades are likely for paired Virgos near those same time frames. Sadly, there is some termination energy afoot for those of you who have been struggling in challenging status and the window from late on the evening of Thursday the 18th to midday the 20th appears to contain the breaking point for many of you. Those of you paired to signs like Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini and Taurus appear to have the greater possibility. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Aquarius, Leo and Cancer pals. They may provide all the emotional necessities as well as the distractions some of you may need. Shared hobbies, common goals and other types of enjoyable distractions appear just your cup of tea.

Career Highlights

There is employment for the unemployed Virgo this week with job interviews and callbacks likely near the afternoon of the 15th, the morning of the 16th, anytime on the 17th and extremely good luck on Friday the 19th. Many of you may go on interviews or catch leads and those of you who do are likely to hear back as soon as the 26th or as far out as the 30th but employment appears to be extremely near. For those of you already employed, upgrades, moves, praise and opportunities for you to showcase your abilities are also available in those very same time frames. Being assigned duties that allow you to have the freedom to express yourself appear very likely and the confidence you need is closer at hand than you may realize.


Choppy but not all THAT bad for you September Virgos

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Best if left alone

Karma Numbers:

2, 4, 6, 9, 99

Buzz Words:

At 'arm's length'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Virgo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a leap of faith and your ability to move in whatever direction appears most promising. You may have to sever ties with those unwilling to keep up with your fast pace if you want to make the most of your time. Your quick mind and open spirit will lead you down some interesting avenues that should result in a life-changing adventure. Someone close to you may not come through for you. Empty promises will lead to frustration. It is best to do things yourself rather than depend on someone else to pick up the slack. Take time to help a friend with his or her problems. You will be admired for your empathy. People from your past may try to wangle their way back into your life. Losses will cause upset. You mustn't leave your belongings out in the open. Investments will not be lucrative. Presentations may be convincing, but you must read between the lines. Read more...

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