Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

November 22, 2021 - November 28, 2021


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Monday the 22nd you are relaxed and quite accomplished as you respond easily to the emotions of others and are well organized and able to problem-solve quickly on anything that does arise.

Tuesday the 23rd the same can be said of Monday only with the added attraction of more harmony and cheer from others just around and support you as you go through your day of accomplishments and in addition you show a highly romantic and ideal evening with good company and good friends.

Wednesday the 24th is an excellent day to make a decision on things that have been on your mind lately for days or even up to weeks or months. You may have all the materials or information you need to make a sound decision.

Thursday the 25th relax and enjoy the company of others around you that you love and enjoy. You make plans for your future as you sit and think about all the many things in your life. You are impressed easily by your past and reflection is very strong today especially in comments from Capricorn, Taurus, Libra and Sagittarius.

Friday the 26th your daytime hours are filled with assisting others out of their apathetic attitudes and trying to inspire them to seek better accomplishments and stimulate them to find the enjoyment and brighter side of things. Solving an emotional upheaval for a pal would not be unusual, especially if they are Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo or Cancer. A highly enjoyable evening is indicated for you as the Moon slips into Virgo.

Saturday the 27th you have a tendency to worry and become insecure for reasons that have no true source or cause. It's all smoke and mirrors and you will not find the root source no matter how much you dig into your psyche. You must simply let it go and move on. Dreams mean nothing! Enjoy the day and use it for accomplishments of things you want to get off your plate.

Sunday the 28th is an excellent day for visiting friends and celebrating life. A short trip may be in order and you could be in the company of Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, other Virgo or Gemini.

Love Horoscope

Romantic love and sentiment may have their lines far too easily smeared and/or unclear, some days this week. Energies like jealousy, pride, lust and desire, even if they are born out of your own psyche, may swirl though your mind and life, manifesting for you to deal with. Ultimately, YOU are in control; take the reins, child! Separate issues and dig out root causes for your own peace of mind and then sort, focus and decide. Also, do not accept unhappy or unfair issues visited upon you, especially by Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius or Sagittarius. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Be willing to hear the truth hidden within the comments, complaints or observations of a pal who may seem insightful this week, especially if what they say strikes a chord for you, especially on Monday or Saturday/Sunday. Having a pal come to your aid when your back is to the wall from Wednesday to Friday is not only likely, but appears very helpful in the long run.

Career Highlights

You appear focused and driven on Monday, but as we near end of business day on Tuesday, you may become prone to worry, insecurity and indecision, vacillating yourself into more work, mistakes or rattled nerves. Remember, you may not be totally back in control just yet. Also, lingering issues from the recent retrograde last month may not be totally cleared up, so walk gingerly around any sensitive toes, especially those of Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Cancer, Gemini and other Virgos! Small problems that are actually "wash over" from the retrograde could manifest in career for just a short time near Friday; stall or decide; your call. It was THE nastiest retrograde in decades!


Actually, rather good.

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Vulnerable only Friday.

Karma Numbers:

6, 11, 48, 55, 59, especially 1948, 1955, and 1959 and those born in those years.

Buzz Words:

Take a pass when in doubt.

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus: they will likely stabilize you.

Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by your ability to clear up small but important details. You will feel much more comfortable in social settings if you know your work is up to date. Get your body moving. Join a club or buy a good work-out tape. It's time to take control of your life and your appearance. Use your discipline to achieve the image you want. You'll want to spend too much on entertainment. Safe investments will be your salvation. Spend quality time with someone you love. It's time to let your true feelings be known. Romantic connections can be made if you mingle. You can expect to make a few changes in your routine. It's time to get involved in some of the groups that you're interested in. Don't be a follower; go after your own goals. Read more...

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