Sun in Virgo - Zodiac Sign

Sun Sign Characteristics for Virgo

Keywords: Helpful, Practical, Analytical, Timid, Skeptical, Finicky, Hypocritical

As the sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo represents the sixth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. In Leo the need is to discover and develop man's individuality and creative potential. In Virgo the need is to find ways to put man's individual talents to the best possible use. This is why Virgo is known as the sign of service. For many Virgos, the need to make things better is satisfied by pursuing careers in health-related fields or in other areas such as teaching, labor relations, environmental protection, social work, or religious counseling. Though most of them do have altruistic motives in helping others, it must also be said that Virgos have a tendency to act the martyr when their service or counseling is ignored, and it is not unheard of for them to use guilt as a weapon when they want to elicit the attention and cooperation of others. Virgos have to learn that helping others to improve is one thing, but pushing them toward goals of perfection they cannot hope to accomplish is destructive as well as impossible.

Virgos adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. Instinctively responsive to the needs of others, they usually adapt to different people and changing circumstances by finding ways to make themselves useful. The Virgin is the astrological symbol of Virgo and, like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy. Like a virgin waiting to give herself to the perfect lover, Virgos are also idealistic. Unfortunately when they allow idealism to get out of hand, nothing is accomplished. The virgin becomes a bitter spinster and talents die on the vine. Though intensely personal situations are inhibiting, there are other situations when Virgos can be very dynamic. When the spotlight is not directly on them but on a product or a service they offer, they are excellent salespersons.

Virgos react to what they experience by assessing its practical worth. Before they take physical action, before they sort out their emotional involvement, and before they reason it out intellectually, they must ascertain what tangible advantages are to be gained from the experience. If the advantages they find are not necessarily useful to them, they are willing to give them to those who can benefit. Virgos are effective negotiators. They patiently endure endless details and responsibilities if convinced it accomplishes an end they think justifies their efforts.

Mercury, planet of the intellect, rules Virgo, giving Virgos an analytical approach to life. That communication is important to Virgos is aptly demonstrated by the fact that so many of them are very talkative. They love books, magazines, and writing. With a critical eye for organization and detail and their constant search for perfection, Virgos have an irresistible urge to improve everything and everyone, whether they need it or not. Virgos are not above using their inability to achieve perfection as an excuse for their own idleness and unproductiveness. Out of character with their true nature, these Virgos are sloppy, disorganized, and irresponsible. What is worse, their own bad habits do not in the least inhibit them from criticizing others for the same behavior. Their analytical ability makes them excellent critics of the talent and performance of those more skilled than themselves. Virgos need to think that what they do is of a practical and helpful nature. The worthiness of their self-sacrificing efforts is spoiled at times however, when they exact tangible proof of gratitude from those who benefited from their actions.

Likely to be health conscious, many Virgos make an effort to stay physically fit. If they are convinced that results can be achieved, they don't mind tedious exercise routines. They enjoy tennis, racquetball, swimming, sailing, fishing, and biking. As athletes, Virgos are not overly competitive. Most of them do however, attempt to perfect whatever skills they do have in a particular sport. They are likely to be talented craftsman, seamstresses, or designers, and may have particular interest in such things as cartography, travel, and philately.

Virgo colors are blue, yellow, gray, tan, navy, and lilac. Vulnerable parts of the body are the sinuses, respiratory system, and bowels. Colds, flu, allergies, and constipation are common Virgo complaints. The sapphire, which is a variety of the mineral corundum, is Virgo's birthstone. This gem was considered by ancient societies as a love charm. Though they come in a variety of colors and can even be transparent, the most valuable sapphires are blue. Blue is also the principal color associated with Virgo. Flowers and plants for Virgo include the aster, chrysanthemum, ivy, and fern.

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