Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

February 27, 2012 - March 4, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Kind, insightful and practical decisions are ALL you need to garner a 'successful week' in family life. Find that level spot on top of your head and pile every duty and decision right up on it. By the 1st, you may find your thinking has 'bogged down' and become too 'laborious'. You're trying too hard! Take a step back and gain a new 'perspective' and get back in there! By the 4th, you've got them eating out of your hand again.

Love Horoscope

For most single and paired Sea Goats, it's an interesting and productive week in love/romance. But... Romance may take a slight nose dive for a minor cross section of you this week but ONLY those who are 'slated for change' by the cosmos because you have been 'dragging bad baggage along' that you have 'not had the heart to deal with'. The universe may have to decide for some of you. IF it takes you 'most of the way' cooperate by 'letting go and letting God'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Gain perspective and focus on the 'practical and RIGHT thing to do' in all aspects of life and love this week from spending/investing/providing to emotions and 'tough love decisions'. IF you need perspective, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini, Leo and other Caps may be able to serve you best.

Career Highlights

Many of you may find a 'push foreword' coming from above this week, especially IF you work in a 'highly competitive' industry or deal with finance, banking, land development, service industries, government or foreign companies/countries. Change may not be a 'bad thing' even if it looks that way at the time. Your best day for 'cooperation' appears to be the 2nd; use it!


Good to improving but starts out 'costly' the 27/28th.

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Cautious overall.

Karma Numbers:

5, 6, 17, 86, 87 including 1986 and '87

Buzz Words:

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your need to retreat from the world for awhile and spending some quiet time alone to relax and the need to rejuvenate appeals strongly to you now. You may feel like you are at a low ebb and as if nothing is happening or you may simply not want to be "where the action is". Competitive ambitions and ego drives are on hold now. This is a good time for quiet study and inward reflection. Your intuition and sensitivity to the hidden, behind the scenes aspects of a situation are operating strongly now. However, you are less inclined to speak your mind or take a definite stand on important matters. A wait-and-see attitude is likely to characterize this time period. Read more...

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