Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

February 27, 2012 - March 4, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Cooperation is ok the 27th but dims as the day wears on, especially over money, spending and just WHAT exactly comprises 'need'. Community groups and 'service' in general may drive spending the 27th to 29th. Don't 'push a point' the 29th with Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Gemini or any member over 'details' or minutia. Focus on 'big picture' thinking. Quarrels escalate suddenly the 2nd to 4th, especially with Virgo, Scorpio, Aries, other Lion and Aquarius members.

Love Horoscope

Romance appears promising this week and upgrades are likely in existing status and 'fast starts' with new encounters but the BIG message is: don't make any promises at this time. Think commitment, talk commitment but avoid 'setting it in stone' especially diamond. IF you 'still feel that way' the 5th to 11th, then do something about it. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You're always there for your friends and if you have some good 'return karma' banked and you 'need a pal' this is an excellent week to 'call it in'. ANY pal who fails to 'return the favor' he/she may find you'll be doing some 'reassessing' by the 2nd to 4th. Don't confront them this week; wait until the 5th to 8th.

Career Highlights

The 'spotlight' is definitely on a hefty cross section of Lions this week as they garner community, industry and personal 'acclaim' some of them 'in print!' Honors, awards and other types of 'recognition' are very likely; both in material/financial and karma/praise. Once your 'rep' has been 'stuffed' and mounted, you may find bigger tasks and demands flow in quickly; starting the 1st, becoming obvious the week of the 5th and ballooning again in April to Aug.


Promising, especially from 'power people'.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Highly 'publicly aware'.

Karma Numbers:

6, 13, 16, 24, 26

Buzz Words:

A leap of faith that really pays off.

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your feeling that you cannot make your desires or influence felt, and that things go awry when you try to assert yourself, make an impact, or get things done in a forthright way. Retreating from confrontation and allowing matters to take their own course may well be the best path now. Though not the most auspicious time to act on your own behalf, this is a good time to do things that benefit others. Selfless work is likely to be the most satisfying avenue for you now. Read more...

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