Weekly Horoscope for Gemini

Gemini Horoscopes

December 2, 2013 - December 8, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Starting out the week with setbacks, personal illness/injury, outright 'defiance' or other forms of 'challenging cooperation' is a distinct possibility for SOME Twins, especially the 2nd to 4th with a sort of 'return' visit briefly the afternoon into evening of the 7th. Spending is likely to escalate on food, medical attention, travel/vehicles and certain 'electives' like sports, hobbies, strong wants and a few 'practical needs' with the latter covering the 4th to 6th.

Love Horoscope

Love relationships are prone to 'suffering hefty setbacks' enduring erosion or outright 'damage' and having 'third party issues' complicate situations 'more than once or even often'. While it may NOT be restricted to JUST romantic love relationships, it does appear more likely to occur in 'matches' OLD or NEW, than it does between friends, family members, coworkers or etc. Another area where this MAY surface, believe it or not, is between YOU and your pet! Even 'old or long time status' situations can be affected by resentment, or retribution energy or, recent 'problems' may now surface and become 'undeniable' with new or older status pets. LOSS, is also 'possible' but seems to be the 'least' of the likeliest on the list. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Here is where we MAY see the biggest potential for a 'rift' of some kind where an obvious degree of separation is possible between you and a buddy, particularly signs like Gemini, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo, Cancer or Taurus. Pals who are 'in a tight spot' for one reason or another and do NOT see some form of 'volunteering' help or donations coming in, may be so desperate or 'off balance' that they allow it to dictate PAST their sentiment or 'common sense' and allow it to damage the current status between you. A really good and 'solid' foundation can survive anything and if you are 'more than willing' to 'overlook' their behavior and think about a time when you 'were in their shoes' it might help. BUT, being invited almost anywhere for ANY reason is very likely this week, especially IF travel or 'long distance' issues are involved!

Career Highlights

Jump on ANY problems the 2nd fast, as it is possible that they could 'fester' into FAR bigger/greater problems and quickly the 3rd to 5th, especially if Sagittarius, Aries, Cancer, Gemini, Aquarius or 'coworkers/constituents' of ANY sign are involved. Your stars show some very 'sterling' accomplishments are likely and if you are or were a 'force to be reckoned with' in your industry, it will only become 'more so' after THIS week is over, possibility thereby evoking jealousy, envy and insecurity among those who MAY 'not doing anywhere NEAR as well'. Travel and long distance dealings are SO very likely this week and IF you work in an industry where travel equals profit/cash, you are likely to REALLY 'top the charts' this week. Upgrades, area or industry wide 'recognition' sudden and better cooperation and stellar results are any/all likely this week also.


VERY impressive

Overview for Gemini

State of Mind:

FILLED with hope and plans.

Karma Numbers:

3, 5, 9, 33, 59, including 1959

Buzz Words:

Red Letter

Compatible Sign(s):

Aries, Aquarius

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by someone or something puzzling you. It's not easy to put anything over on you, but someone may try to do just that. It may come in the form of a secret about someone close to you. You could be a little bit gullible now, don't necessarily believe what you hear. After all, who knows them better than you do? You may decide to have less to do with the person who tried put something over on you. You'll be able to grin and bear it, whatever it turns out to be. At times, you may feel like it's all work and no rewards. The glitch that occurs may have to do with future plans for travel or just plain having fun. As for that hard work, regard it as money in the bank, because there may be a raise in your future. Try to negotiate the best deal you can. Plan a dinner or evening with someone who's been a real friend, in your professional life. You may be surprised at how many people the two of you both know. It's fun to compare notes. Lucky Numbers: 7, 12, 20, 30, 42, 45 Read more...

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