Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

December 2, 2013 - December 8, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You may have a VERY difficult time 'getting on your feet' or motivating yourself UP the 2nd, especially IF you suffered any weekend fatigue and therefore; mistakes are possible, particularly in overlooking obligations and responsibilities AND in spending or investing yourself well with time, effort, money or mental energy. It MAY be that only until the 4th are you 'rested OR well enough' to continue on and do it 'on automatic' like you LIKE to do. Gliding the rest of the week may also not be easy as for Bulls who like 'little to no complications' there are likely to be several popping up and threatening delays, redoing and spending to fix situations, especially near the 6th, when patience wanes and the 7th when frustration may lead to 'just wanting to throw money at it' to be done with it!

Love Horoscope

Well, you can't buy yourself out of any problems THIS week... or CAN you? You just MAY be able to sooth the ruffled feathers of signs like Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius or Aries near the 4th to 7th with things like mini-vacations away, flowers/candy, exotic travel or jewelry for She-Fixes and 'hobby items' for He-Fixes. Single Bulls also may find cooperative hunting near the later hours of the 4/5th, all days long the 3rd and 6th and the evening of the 8th, especially if 'introduced' at community/group events. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Giving loving support by 'sacrificing OF yourself' time, effort, energy or 'items' may land you some VERY appreciative pals this week, particularly IF the 4th to 7th is involved or Capricorn, Cancer, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius or Leo is doing the 'thanking'. Remember to 'return a favor' to someone you OWE one to near the 2nd to 4th, as the universe may GIVE you a 'window' to prove your gratitude in at THAT time and Rita Ann has given you the head's up now, to do it!

Career Highlights

A hefty cross section of you may be focused on situations 'down the road a bit' and investing, working, planning or even 'risking' a great deal on time frames that range from as soon as THIS week or the week of the 9th to as far out as areas like later January into later February of '14, late April into later May of '14, September '14 or any time after 3/20/2016 to 3/20/17. That LAST one is actually THE most risky and shows the greatest potential for profit, change, growth and 'set for life' energy you could ASK for. IF any of you have your 'sights set' on that one and there is any kind of 'money or risk' involved to any 'degree of certainty' or 'amount' it may be wise to cruse on over to my site and look into either asking questions or setting up a live session. There will be a LOT of Taurus making or having VERY big changes the cycle of '16 to '17, whether they like it/know it or not, but if they are PLANNING it now, that is a TOTALLY different kind of thing!


May be 'setting foundations' AT THIS TIME, that will affect the 'balance of your life' or for a long time to come.

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Rather focused, if not, somewhat 'stubborn'.

Karma Numbers:

9, 11, 41, 48, 55, including 19's '41 '48 and '55.

Buzz Words:

Think 'big and long range'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Leo, Capricorn

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your mood, which is as stable as the wind. You may find it very difficult to concentrate. Changes may be afoot on the home scene. Do your best to stay on an even course, plan to spend some time unwinding. In this situation, the best way to nurture yourself is to nurture others. You will be able to speak tenderly. Sharp words should not be exchanged. Someone, possibly an older relative, could express discontent with how they perceive you are handling your affairs, it's not polite, but you may be inclined to say, "It's none of your business". In order to smooth ruffled feathers, invite the concerned party over for a meal that shows off not only how smart you are in the kitchen, but also how clever you are about managing household affairs. Dress for success & go all out for it. You may get up the nerve to ask for a raise. Lucky Numbers: 1, 4, 10, 14, 46, 47 Read more...

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