Weekly Horoscope for Libra

Libra Horoscopes

December 2, 2013 - December 8, 2013


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Many problems seem to almost 'fix themselves' in some way, especially near the 3rd to 5th, when more practical matters surface and get addressed 'super quick' especially IF they concern health, fitness, food, nutrition or medical attention. You APPEAR to be fixated on the future and many of your discussions, needs or plans may center around activities that deal with deeper degrees of Sagittarius; like the 16th to 22nd of December OR, as far out as later January into later February of '14. Spending or investing NOW for THEN, is typical and may be wiser than you thought!

Love Horoscope

Romance does very well, especially IF you are paired to Sagittarius, Aquarius, Leo, other Libra, Gemini or Cancer as your stars indicate a 'push ahead' of some kind into what easily MAY be deeper or more 'commitment levels' or possibility even 'outright plan making' for weddings, births, vacations, trysts or investments in real estate or high end property. Paired Scales do a lot of 'balance and recalibration' efforts this week through long, philosophical talks, most likely held near the 4th to 6th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A buddy may REALLY need you near the 4/5th, especially IF you were called upon by that SAME pal near or on November 26th to 30th and/or if they were themselves involved in ANY kind of 'relationship brew-ha'. Be supportive but do not 'walk them THROUGH it' as it could later backfire and you might receive the 'blame' for something you did NOT do, but were only trying to be supportive about/on.

Career Highlights

That same 'no good deed goes unpunished' energy that was mentioned in the "Friendship Section" may apply HERE in the career arena, especially with coworkers or constituents like Sagittarius, Gemini, Aries, Cancer or other Scales. Keep your exchanges 'strictly professional' as this week, "familiarity breeds contempt" as my Daddy used to say. Another tip may be to focus carefully on the needs and unsolicited requests of power people the later hours of the 5th; addressing them without being ASKED, may score some serious brownie points! Avoid time wasters, water cooler gossipers and other types of distractions the 6th.


Mediocre; but about to improve as soon as the 4th or as far out as the 10th.

Overview for Libra

State of Mind:

Insightful and focused on the future

Karma Numbers:

7, 11. 19. 22. 45

Buzz Words:

Stand or sit 'with your back to the wall'. The view is far better.

Compatible Sign(s):

Sagittarius, Aquarius

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by getting geared up to plunge into a new project. You could quickly get all the background information you need. If it isn't work that occupies you, it may be a hunt for bargains in the house and property market. You may have a dream place in mind, but you are not going to find it without putting in some long hours of research. You may be a bit anxious about the thought of a big move, remembering past experiences. With plenty of lead-time and advance planning, it needn't be the chore it appears to be right now. Could it be that you are in denial about some aspect of your life? If so, that area could be your career. If you feel that you have stopped making progress, you should be willing to evaluate where you go from here. Lucky Numbers: 2, 9, 24, 30, 44, 45 Read more...

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