Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

January 27, 2014 - February 2, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Your stars show a spike in 'aggression' impulse and anxiety the 27th to 30th, especially IF you are feeling annoyed or insecure about events or over issues with members, and even 'fear' can hide out under the auspice of 'anger and or restlessness'. Expense may 'slam' you very unexpectedly AND, be caused by carelessness, stupidity or other 'shallow' emotionally founded behavior or 'lack of discipline' with/over certain members the 29th into 30th. Once we hit the AM of the 31st, everything appears to 'change on a dime' and do a total 180 for the VAST MAJORITY of Lions who succumb to this one. Visitors, invitations and enjoyable gatherings are any/all likely the 31st to 4th.

Love Horoscope

Romantic trends are in peril of going from 'bad to worse' and in termination of status, particularly the 29/30th when ANY problems from prior to the 28th BACK to as recent as the 15th or even LAST Dec near the 21st or possibly later July into August of '13, may be contributing factors with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, other Lions and Aries most likely players. For single Lions who are NOT suffering 'rebound' energy, this week can hold a VERY promising 'new opportunity' OR, could show an unexpected 'mend' to status you THOUGHT 'gone, done and impossibly over' near the 30th to 2nd. For 'meeting new candidates' there is NOTHING as promising so far this year and for the next 120 days as the 31st to 3rd might be! Matches formed may lead quickly to fast commitment and long term status. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Old friends appear to 'cycle back in' and it MAY be a situation where you just 'get back in touch' or run into each other and 'pick up where you left off' OR, it could be that fences are mended and the friendship is just 'BACK ON'. There is also a good chance that ANY status that suffered 'termination' may now 'pick back up' and show a 'second or third chance'. You are NOT big on 'second chances' as your unofficial motto is "First time shame on YOU, second time, shame on ME." But think about it!

Career Highlights

There can be HUGE mistakes this week that are COSTLY and with Mercury getting ready to go retrograde in just DAYS, it is highly possible to make them via computer OR, have them BE computers that crash or need upgrading because you have 'grown beyond' some point. For those who DO 'spend' amounts will be HEFTY but the good news is that financing is available, getting the GREEN light is far easier than you may think or it may appear and even the WORST situation can 'turn' and salvage to work out 'better than expected/projected'. Invitations from afar are VERY likely and 'long range future career plans' most likely for time frames like later Feb into later March, anytime in late April, all of July and Aug, the second week of September and ALL off later February 2015 to early April 2015 are likely to be areas of discussion, commitment, pivotal activity and promising profit!


Very encouraging.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Oppressed and then 'released' the 30th into 31st.

Karma Numbers:

5, 9, 15, 19, 59, including 1959 and those born in it or companies formed during it.

Buzz Words:

Clear it up and take it 'to the NEXT level'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Gemini, Aquarius

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by challenges that will motivate your spirit. You'll feel magnetized and ready to take on any professional or personal obstacles that stands in your way. Plan to do something special with the family. Obstacles may stand in your way. Ignore people who are trying to lead you astray. You can learn a lot if you are more open-minded. Give others the benefit of the doubt. You'll be able to overcome anything if you stand tall and prepare to push ahead. The harder you strive for perfection, the better you will do. Trusting others may prove to be costly. However if you do, it will teach you a valuable lesson in life. Don't worry, you'll soon be able to recognize the difference between a true and a fair-weather friend. The world is forever changing and so should you if you want to stay in control of your destiny. The positive energy you emit should give you a new perspective on your future. Lucky Numbers: 9, 15, 18, 28, 34, 43 Read more...

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