Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

January 27, 2014 - February 2, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You will need patience and LOTS OF IT this week, especially near the 29th into 30th, before things 'totally change and improve'. Some members may be testy, insecure, angry, defensive and difficult to motivate, even if they are spouse, elders, siblings or in-laws. Youth can be especially challenging, particularly Sagittarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Leo and Aries. Helpful members you can 'count on' may turn out to be Virgo, Pisces, Libra, Taurus and Gemini. "Lay out your needs" and let members volunteer for the jobs they feel motivated about. You will NOT believe the 'across the board change' that likely sweeps in the AM of the 31st and carries ALL the way to the 5th. BAD time for a birthday; 27th to 30th; most excellent; 31st to 17th.

Love Horoscope

Yes, some Totters WILL bite into 'permanent termination' this week, regardless of how hard they try or how much they do NOT want it. A few of you will find it is YOUR idea and that it is most likely 'WAY over due'. It may be best to seek professional help and just 'let it go' if you bite into this one, especially if you are paired to Leo, other Totters, Aries, Sagittarius, Virgo or Pisces. For others, there will be life long commitment made, big changes and huge upgrades and for singles 'running into the love of their lives' ending being single FOREVER! There will be more diamonds given THIS Valentine's Day than there has been in decades! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Having to 'say good-by' to a pal is a possibility this week between the 27th and 30th and there may be nothing you can do about it. Find comfort in all your other pals and realize that they would be devastated... JUST DEVASTATED, if they lost YOU. Embrace it and move on. For others of you, new friendships are very likely, particularly the 31st to 2nd and they can form fast and deep, with shared hobbies, passions and sports or powerful career connection 'insiders' that serve you quickly and very profitably!

Career Highlights

Talk about 'going from ONE extreme to the other!' You can start your week in the crapper with one challenge after another and finish it 'on top of the world' landing the BIGGEST deal, profit or power slot of your LIFE! Getting the nod on loans, financial backing, big ticket sales and other types of 'heavy hitting' deals is very likely near the AM of the 29th, all day the 31st and 'off site' the 1/2nd. Getting past the demands of the 27/28th can be done easily by double checking, combing through 'details' and small, bottom line, hidden things, and by respecting everything that has the power to 'undo' all you have done. ONCE past any 'pit falls' there is likely to BE 'no stopping you'.


VERY promising

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Super charged!

Karma Numbers:

0, 1, 2, 11, 101 and anything binary

Buzz Words:

The sky is the limit

Compatible Sign(s):

Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo, Leo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by teamwork & your ability to get everyone involved in your project. The resistance you feel from others will grow stronger if you apply unnecessary pressure. Keep discussions on track, allow others to express their views. Listen to them very carefully. Try to create an atmosphere of trust. Someone else may get all the glory, but you'll learn an invaluable lesson, that will take you on to even greater triumph. You'll find ordinarily annoying people are surprisingly easy to get along with. Harmonic vibrations will mount to passionate trembles. By week's end, you might find yourself in the arms of the most unlikely person imaginable. Lucky Numbers: 12, 16, 23, 24, 30, 40 Read more...

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