Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

January 27, 2014 - February 2, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Cooperation is very poor the 27th but improves the AM of the 28th like a 'light switch' got snapped and then the 31st to 2nd, the switch flips to 'super bright!' Several members may ' complain and throw tantrums' mid week, especially Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius and some July Leos. Issues almost 'fix themselves' the 29th but may need extra help from you by the 30th; push for members to communicate calmly WITH EACH other and get things 'off their backs' and if it appears to 'not be wise' to put them together, you MAY have to do some 'back and forth' armchair shrinking to 'smooth the way' for when you CAN 'put them together.

The weekend appears VERY enjoyable and everyone is going to make it! Happy Chinese New Year, the "Year of the Horse," the 31st; go out and EAT NOODLES and wear red, as it is good karma to welcome in the New Year and it 'brings LUCK' to those who do!

Love Horoscope

Romance does provide a SMALL amount of 'warning' energy this week and IF you 'sense' a mate is unhappy, back off and fix it fast. Fish who DO meet 'new candidates' are likely to FIND they have 'just come on the market' OR, are about to, because they are very UNHAPPY with their current match and by or before early April, they may be 'up for grabs'. Matches started BEFORE the 30th will NOT last; but fizzle and those after, especially those made the 1/2nd, show GREAT promise for a 'rewarding and LONG run!' Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Some of you MAY have to 'make a mad dash out' the 27th to 29th to 'save a pals butt' most likely due to broken down vehicles, problems with youth, in-laws or career requirements and over extending themselves financially; once past that, it appears many Fish get multiple invitations starting the 31st and even find 'new rewarding friendships' beginning. Long weekends and invites to 'exotic activity' appear likely.

Career Highlights

This is far from a cooperative week, especially the 27th to 30th but things can do a total 180 on the AM of the 31st and leave you little to no time to hustle things into place. SOME of you appear to be playing a game of 'beat the clock' with the week of February 3rd holding a likely deadline and if you do NOT make it before February 5/6th, chances are things may either 'go on hold' or go from bad to worse before the improve February 6th to February 28th! Locking down the right game plan, using the 31st 'to schedule' and 'set up' as MUCH as you can and returning ALL communications 'super quick' can insure success over the next three and a half weeks.


Draining until the 1st.

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:

Vulnerable to 'short fuse annoyance' until the 30th

Karma Numbers:

3, 5, 7, 11, 12

Buzz Words:

Remain 'cheerful' AND 'optimistic' even in the face of intimidation.

Compatible Sign(s):

Capricorn, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by a sense of floating free from the earthly bonds that you've felt been dragging you down. Don't even ask what it means. Logic and magic have nothing to do with each other. Let events wash over you now, and explain it all later on in any way that makes sense. Don't go around sticking out your neck if blame is waiting to fall. The walls have ears and possibly no sympathy. Ordinarily you're the first to help others, but you may not be able to do so now. You need to be treated with respect. Insist on receiving the whole story, rather than have something dumped on you without warning. Once feelings are realized, they are easier to accept. The emotional tap is open, so let it run freely. Get all the information before jumping into action. Listen to your intuitive feelings & realize that recent happenings were inevitable. Lucky Numbers: 3, 10, 18, 20, 34, 49 Read more...

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