Weekly Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

February 10, 2014 - February 16, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Spending is ON the rise and most likely for youth and elders with health care coming in number one, big time, teeth/braces, educational expense, travel/transportation related and repairs, replacement or upgrade of devices USED by these members may be hefty, particularly IF they are Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini or Virgo. You become personally 'vulnerable' the 12th with headache, eye/s, sinus, common cold/flu, throat, back, slip/fall, drop/break, forget and underestimate heading the list. Allow for 'more' of just about anything!

Love Horoscope

Romance IS one good bright spot this week as long as it leaves your wallet alone, in as much as 'there is no spending beyond what YOU elect to spend'. Some of you MAY 'go all out' this year, when you have not done so in the past. With the Full moon hitting on Valentine's Day [being in Leo, of course], you are prone to 'be more showy' for any number of reasons from 'letting others see' to getting/being 'carried away' with high level 'expressions' EVEN to those who are NOT 'strictly love interests'. Potential is GOOD for singles! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Old friendships that 'go way back' seem to be what you are really UP for this week. The more history, the more grounded AND, the more you trust and have invested IN them, the more likely you are to spend 'quality time' and equal amounts of money, effort and time expressing that! Your stars show 'gratitude' is THE number one energy this week and "thank you," may come out more often than "I love you," on this year's special day!

Career Highlights

The best place to 'plant your focus' this week IS career as some of you show HIGH likeliness of great progress and even bigger profit! Problems solved 'things falling into place' long time trouble spots 'just rolling over for you' [even WITH the retro!] and others going 'out of their way to participate/help' appears part of the mix this week. Once EACH and every 'very busy day' of your work week is over, particularly the 12th and 14th, you are going to want to be entertained, distracted and give your brain a chance to 'dump out' kick back and EMPTY! Romantic comedies may be great for couples but a good action flick may be what drains the tension out of MOST Lions who will easily 'push, press and struggle successfully' this week, especially the 11th to 14th.


Worthy returns on investments of cash, time, effort and rep.

Overview for Leo

State of Mind:

Hot to play 'let's make a deal' especially in barter and creative finance.

Karma Numbers:

Anything with 4 in it, especially numbers, amounts, addresses, etc. that are 'four digits long'. So, 4, 9, 31, 34 and of course, 401k.

Buzz Words:

Focus on accuracy in communications

Compatible Sign(s):

Aries, Gemini, Virgo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by responsibilities & your ability to juggle many at the same time. Use your time as productively as possible. Individual achievements are possible within a working team structure. Your charisma puts you at the center of a professional or social gathering. In order to achieve the trust of others, you need to take a look at how you treat them. Give others the benefit of the doubt,their hidden talents may surprise you. Remember how you felt when the roles were reversed. You may be able to take a more objective view,if you do. Your creative juices will flow. Achieving genius may take great effort, but it all depends on the medium in which you choose to express yourself. If you don't understand something, ask more questions. What information seemed useless at first could end up being crucial. Go with your urges,and don't stop until satisfied with your final result. Lucky Numbers: 2, 28, 29, 30, 43, 45 Read more...

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