Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

February 10, 2014 - February 16, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You 'happy factor' rises sharply the 10th, you may be thrilled with 'the way things are going' on some plan, improvement/s, surprise or 'course' of events. SAY nothing NOW: don't 'jinx yourself' especially if either Valentine's Day or the weekend are involved in your little plans, dreams or expectations. The health of a member may be 'improved' the 10th to 14th, ONLY to have the status of yet another member become a concern the 15/16th; jump on 'any early signs' of ANY thing! Having to 'run errands' do clean up or rescue is likely the 15th but does NOT appear related to the health issue of a member. Food, entertaining and purchasing of food necessities may become a spiked expense the 12th, 14th and 16th; most of them 'unexpected'.

Love Horoscope

Romance will NOT let you down this week IF you are one of those 'old fashioned' Bulls and sentiment, meaning, expression and 'traditional ways of expressing them' [i.e.; flowers, candy, music, etc] are followed. What does NOT fly for both male AND female Bulls this week is a 'new mixer' for the kitchen, set of wrenches or gift card. THIS ONE has to have some 'effort behind it' EVEN, if 'in the past' the Bull was 'not big on cards, fluff, etc'. THEY MAY BE THIS YEAR! Some who 'read this' because they love a Bull, may be quite surprised! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Several 'touching' gestures may easily be 'exchanged' or expressed this week with/between pals and some of that 'energy' may launch more than a small cross section of you Bulls 'into action' fostering feelings and 'setting mood/s' you normally do NOT respond to so well. Feeling or being 'inspired' by the love of others, in film or real life, is likely and it's likely to lead to YOU, expressing the same! BEST event for Valentine's Day? A romantic, touching, real life story kind of movie, date!

Career Highlights

You do show some potential for head aches but it IS early in the week when details or mistakes are likely the 10th and a misunderstanding that may take into the 12th to ' clear up totally'. Don't worry, your week ends WELL when it comes to pleasing power people, picking up new, impressive business, clients, goals or projects and landing pleasing 'profit margins' for yourself. Travel IS likely and while it may 'cost up front' the returns appear to be up to four fold right away and up to 100 times near later March into later April.


Exponential growth.

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Creative but shy of overwhelming emotions.

Karma Numbers:

2, 5, 11, 55, 68, including '55 and '68.

Buzz Words:

Scrutinize, especially any 'bottom line' fine print or 'considerations'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Virgo, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by an upsurge of positive energy, that continues to fuel your fire. You could get used to your current level of ease and happiness. Life may not always be this wonderful, but you'd do well to find a formula that you can repeat when the mood dictates. Your mood, no matter what it is does affect others. Wield your power with patience and fairness. Take time to smell the flowers and realize what personal wealth you possess. By giving in to selfishness,you start a negative imbalance that might be hard to contain. Keep your charge cards on a short leash, for the moment. You still have a little time to play the waiting game,but keep your objectives clear. Knowing other people's motives helps you narrow down your options. By this time next week,you should be ready to move on whatever comes your way. Lucky Numbers:  17, 19, 27, 37, 42, 47 Read more...

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