Weekly Horoscope for Pisces

Pisces Horoscopes

February 20, 2012 - February 26, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Emotions may swirl and create a long or complicated discussion the 20th, that if not addressed, may linger or domino into the 22/23rd, especially IF Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer or other Fish members are involved or the topic is 'behavior/acting out'. Find the 'root cause'. An exciting announcement or piece of 'news' is likely near the 24th to 26th and may launch a gathering or celebration.

Love Horoscope

Romance takes on an almost 'urgent' tone near the 21st to 23rd and some single Fish in brand new or burgeoning relationship status may be tempted to 'rush' timing and/or press the envelope; STOP NOW! As John Lennon said: •Let it be, let it be. Crystal words of wisdom; let it be.• Hot opportunity for finding promising new candidates for single Fish litters the 21st to 26th! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Friends gather for a variety of reasons near the 20th to 22nd, most likely to celebrate 'life mile stones' like new jobs, engagements and moves; be supportive, even if it's 'sad news' for you. A pal may 'fall short on a promise' near the 25th; cut them some slack and be forgiving.

Career Highlights

Challenges and mistakes are common place the 20th; IF you're off work, you're lucky and if not; fix them fast and 'be direct' but tactful. Big 'new opportunities' may be 'passed to you' near the 22nd to 24th, possibly by others moving up, out, away or dropping the ball, with Aries, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces and Capricorn likely candidates to 'inherit' from.


Promising, especially the 22/23rd and again the 26th.

Overview for Pisces

State of Mind:


Karma Numbers:

2, 8, 9, 10, 22

Buzz Words:

Clever and insightful, especially the 22nd and 26th

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to make a very good first impression. People with good attitudes are much easier to be around. So, just be yourself and others will fall in love with you. Use your time wisely and spend it with children who need your guidance. It'll really help you to feel the magic again. Your impeccable charm will help you to handle your responsibilities with strong authority and creative style. Important details may be overlooked by those who do not care. You need to oversee everything of any importance. Pace yourself so that you don't get too tired or run down. Since you may not get the time to play that you wanted, find ways to enjoy whatever it is that you have to do. Even if you don't accomplish much, at least you'll have a good time doing it. By week's end, your life will feel stirred up into a romantic flurry. Wish on a star, it may just come true. Read more...

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