Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius
May 9, 2022 - May 15, 2022
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Monday the 9th, your stars indicate an extremely busy and demanding day with excellent accomplishments and one that ends with a very popular and affectionate evening for a hefty cross-section of you, who may be attending special gatherings, office parties or other types of sparkling social events.
Tuesday the 10th, your good fortune continues but many of you may find a little pinch of the "same old, same old" as you do routine work, before you can cut loose and enjoy yourself with what appears to be some quality free time near the end of the day.
Wednesday the 11th, handle typical duties but do them one at a time and don't put up with any logjams. A lot of talking and communicating appears to be going on and some of you may have to deal with a sea of paperwork.
Thursday the 12th, some of you are prone to emotional upheavals that may be brought on by gossip or too much information flowing in. Some things are nebulous and unclear and people get things wrong. Don't buy into the first thing you hear.
Friday the 13th, do not allow yourself to be manipulated or maneuvered in any way as it's possible that you could be cornered and asked to perform duties or tasks and favors that you are not ready to commit to. Leave yourself a lot of latitude and room if approached or asked questions, especially to volunteer.
Saturday the 14th, there are snags in plans and it's easy to see that your day might become derailed quickly and taken out of your hands. Try to stay with your original game plan for the day and keep it on track as best you can so you can serve your own purpose.
Sunday the 15th appears to be highly enjoyable and independent just the way you like it.
Love Horoscope
Romance is likely to cook well this week, heating up nicely from Thursday through Sunday! Even, for those of you who are paired and have long since felt the fire is well out. Now, if this is not with your significant other, you may be wise to be cautious and low-key. Archers who are same sex oriented may find themselves hip deep in tempting opportunities, especially Tuesday and Thursday all-days long and the evenings of Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Candidates like Taurus, other Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer, Leo and Aquarius are highly likely. In fact, single Archers may find this whole week ripe for the pickings. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Your best friend may be trying to help you; telling you something you are just not hearing. Often, people will give it one good run at it and then quit. The worst thing you can do this week is shut a friend down/off who seems to be trying hard especially if that pal is an Aries, Cancer, Taurus, Scorpio or Gemini. Long talks are indicated throughout the week and some may be just catching up but ones near Tuesday, Friday and Sunday appear more meaty and may easily be "heart to heart" energy via a good pal -- listen!
Career Highlights
This may be an area of little concern for many of you. Your stars show projects or goals that are in play should be humming along nicely, be very close or right on time, get good cooperation from power people and the nod on financing, particularly Thursday to Saturday and even in off-site situations, where you are schmoozing or doing any after-hours or unconventional exchanges with other professionals and constituents, power or money people or even industry outsiders. Some kind of distressing news is possible for a small cross-section of you on Friday but it is more likely, for those of you who do hit this one, that it will be very short lived and may actually correct itself before you can begin the correction process.
Choppy at times but usually always ending well.
Overview for Sagittarius
State of Mind:
Prone to be short or terse at times.
Karma Numbers:
11, 12, 22, 33, 41
Buzz Words:
Slather on the schmooze!
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by freedom of information, free speech and censorship. In your case they can be emotional issues. Your need for communication, short trips and visits will increase your energy. As a precaution, guard your thinking patterns and your communication. Eliminate old assumptions and mental attitudes. Build from the ground up by paying attention to small matters important to you. If you handle the little details carefully, you'll be able to produce good results. With your facts in hand, your should be able to advance smoothly. Consider some additional training to enhance your career. It's a serious investment of time and money, but it may be well worth the price. Read more...
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