Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio
May 9, 2022 - May 15, 2022
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Monday the 9th appears to be a day where you can fashion almost anything you want out of the day, as beautiful finds and discoveries of all kinds may await many of you. Lost items may resurface and things you thought gone from you may return in many forms and varieties of ways.
Tuesday the 10th, a great deal of work may be brought to you and laid at your feet. It would be best to start with the simplest things first and work your way up to the more complicated ones so you can muddle through the day and get to the end.
Wednesday the 11th is a perfect day for planning parties, get-togethers, summer holidays or graduations. You will get the best cooperation and replies to your queries.
Thursday the 12th, you should be extremely discretional in all your personal relationships and particularly, any romantic ones, especially those you have with Gemini, Sagittarius, other Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus.
Friday the 13th, do not force any kind of commitment -- large or small from anyone -- but especially from Capricorn, Libra, Taurus and particularly don't try to squeeze anything out of yourself.
Saturday the 14th, you are prone to going overboard big time, trying too hard and pushing yourself relentlessly through what appears to be a day that's filled with one duty after another.
Sunday the 15th is an excellent day to rest up and mix and mingle with what appears to be rich sentimental energy from all forms of highly supportive and affectionate sources from friends and family.
Love Horoscope
Romance does one extreme or the other this week with single and rather happily paired Stingers having good to excellent luck, growing closer faster and striking it rich near days like all day Tuesday, the later hours of Wednesday, later on Thursday, Saturday evening and all-day Sunday. Some of you, and a rather small cross-section of Stingers at that, may hit a termination threat or energy near the early hours of Thursday, most likely from some kind of culmination of situations or events that go back as far as later January into later February. If you hit this one; remain calm and let them blow or talk it out and do your best to find a compromise through communications, particularly if they are Aries, Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini or money is involved at all. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. You tend to feel like cutting them off at the knees if they do anything that is annoying and bad enough. But, it may be wiser for a while at least to maintain the tie so you are able to glean information and perspective. The worst reason to break it off with any pal this week is money, as the whole thing, you being right or not, may backfire! Other than that small threat, the week appears enjoyable with even the chance to run into pals you've not seen for a long time and do some hefty catching up.
Career Highlights
You can make some very impressive strides this week if you are willing to work late, go the extra nine yards, give up breaks or lunch hours if it is called for. If you are self-employed/commission-based, lunch frequently and schmooze your brains out from Tuesday to Friday. Answering communications very quickly on Monday, being clear in all your facts/info and being blatantly honest and up front even when you wish you didn't have to be, could be the key to surviving whatever challenges do come your way the balance of the week.
Fair to rather good.
Overview for Scorpio
State of Mind:
Clear and insightful but at times easily wounded.
Karma Numbers:
8, 9, 17, 28, 29
Buzz Words:
Quick wit but with great respect.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's horoscope forecast is highlighted by wild ideas which may threaten to push you off course. Your mind is capable of so much, including the overstepping of its own boundaries. Get a second, trusted opinion before doing anything rash. Common sense is your best advisor. Your words may have been thoughtless or misinterpreted. Soothe someone's hurt feelings before the damage becomes irreparable. Your efforts go a long way toward comforting the hurt. Hide your mistakes if you can. There's still time for another round of secret corrections. Humiliation narrowly averted is as sobering an experience as the real thing. Read more...
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