Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

February 17, 2014 - February 23, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You may be given an unfair 'shake' the 17th and it could take until a day later before members discover your 'plight' and respond 'correctly'. LET it unfold as it should as 'pushing things' may be unwise. Get as much done the 17/18th as you can since your stars show some 'potentially nasty down time' hitting in the 19th and lasting until the 22nd! Common or seasonal illness, minor injury/accidents and money shortages appear typical hassles. Promising energies appear to 'try and break through' but IF you 'yield' to the negative side of issues, they may get swept aside OR 'overwhelmed' and lose their footing. Productive times during your five day run appear to be very late on the 19th, the early AM and later PM of the 20th, mid day the 21st and only the very early hours of the 22nd.

Love Horoscope

Actually, romantic love does rather WELL for most Bulls this week but it isn't so much in 'what HAPPENS' as it is in 'what does NOT happen'. Many of you avoid terse moments with 'uncomfortable silence/s' especially with Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo and Pisces and 'flow in general' is good, especially in situations where 'finally get something going' and its momentum is excellent with no interruptions, complications or interference, particularly from in-laws, third party of just 'life in general' like waiters, clerks, etc. Pick your moment/s and 'go for it'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Timing here, is an important issue this week ALSO. Sometimes you do not easily 'pick up' on hints, social dynamics, need and other types of 'not so obvious' situations from pals and you seem to 'get it at the last minute' frequently and are able to 'up your game' step in and supply the needed 'thoughtfulness' without necessarily directly knowing it in some cases; sort of serendipitous luck.

Career Highlights

having to tolerate a coworker the 17th to 19th over some issue, project or emotion is very likely this week and while most Bulls will find they 'work in tandem very well' there will the the small cross section who spend more time 'enduring and surviving' than they will being productive and profitable. Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer and Leo may provide some challenges but IF you are aware before hand, it is nothing to worry about. Taking care 'what is said' right down to even 'what you put in writing' may be essential the 19th into 20th, when proof reading and trying to 'see what you said from another angle' might be a 'better safe than sorry' technique, well used. A chance to 'push for what you want and GET it' is very likely the 20th, even on BIG issues. Landing a surprising 'career plum' that carries ripples into the fall of '14 and even ALL of '15, is typical.


VERY good

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Focused on the distant future for a number of reasons; expected or not!

Karma Numbers:

2, 6, 8, 11, 45

Buzz Words:

Domino growth.

Compatible Sign(s):

Scorpio, Cancer

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by emotional issues that keep you from focusing on anything else. Your motto should be "make love not war". Don't make promises that you know you can't keep. Attend social events that will bring you in contact with people who can provide you with motivation. You can achieve much by making & returning phone calls, emails. Friends will welcome your advice. You may have problems with children if you have spoiled them in the past. You mustn't overspend or take on too many responsibilities. Property or long term investments are your best bet. Look into all the financial ventures presented to you, one of them will be a real moneymaker. You should confine yourself to those deals where you don't have to rely on someone else. Lucky Numbers:  1, 2, 12, 14, 22, 26    Read more...

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