Weekly Horoscope for Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscopes

February 17, 2014 - February 23, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Don't expect too much support and cooperation the 17/18th but do look for a HUGE 'shift' of sorts the 19th that MAY easily deliver you into a far more comfortable zone; one in which even highly charged emotions can be 'processed properly'. Members may be very supportive, especially Sagittarius, Scorpio, Cancer, other Caps and spouse/partner of any sign. Discipline issue with/over youth may be center stage and IF you can 'be on the same page with that' you can handle ANYTHING!

Love Horoscope

Spending decisions may be the topic of MANY days this week, especially near the 19th when 'emotions call the shots' and again the 22/23rd when 'need and demands' almost dictate the 'how much' you only have control over the how, when and where! Repairs to home/house structure, replacement of electronic and communication devices and especially vehicles and their repairs, upgrades, replacements and 'demands' appear to dominate the problem solving needs of the 20th to 23rd. Practical choices may be HARD to make if you have to 'wade through emotions' or much worse; tantrums! Single Sea Goats have it MADE this week! Candidates appear very promising near the 17/18th and again the evening of the 20th; long range success is indicated! How do like that! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Pals may be most helpful in 'assisting management skills' contributing talents and items and just lending 'moral support' as you go through situations where you begin to 'question your choices and direction'. THEN, it may become time to call upon buddies like Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Aries and Leo! You had best leave Sagittarius alone, especially over the weekend or unless they ASK for your time/help.

Career Highlights

Hefty responsibly is indicated this week and duties may range 'out of your comfort zone' to 'brand new' assignments and goals you've never tackled before. Co ventures MAY be thrown at you the 17th to 19th but appear to NOT be productive so approach with caution, keep records, try hard to be cooperative but do not 'SHOULDER BLAME' for the shortcomings of others, especially signs like Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra or Scorpio.


Rather good; especially in things that involve 'just you'.

Overview for Capricorn

State of Mind:

Practical, big time!

Karma Numbers:

2, 10, 12, 16, 20

Buzz Words:

Limit liability exposure

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to take hold of the situation. Don't hesitate to negotiate for someone you care about. Someone may try to curtail your freedom. Set them straight and don't give in. Don't overspend on redecorating. Say as little as possible and don't become involved in other people's affairs. Concentrate on your work. Someone you care about will be erratic and eager to pick a fight. You need to talk to the big spenders. Run your ideas by them and see if you can't get a backer and a partner for your concept. Push your product and you'll see some returns. Make the decision to go back to school. Study a subject that will help you change your direction in life. You may be limited in the short term, but overall it will be worth your while. You will be emotional about money matters if you let cash slip through your fingers. You need to put your finances in order once and for all. You must set and stick to a budget. Lucky Numbers:  20, 29, 32, 37, 40, 41    Read more...

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