Weekly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius Horoscopes

February 17, 2014 - February 23, 2014


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Talking, making a spouse/partner happy and monitoring the behavior of any 'youth' or foolish members would be how to best spend the 17th to 19th and then SHIFT to focus on the 'practical and necessary'. This will give you a reasonable work week because the weekend is NOT for you! Problems, arguments, change ups, disappointing events, cancellations, confrontations and unexpected visitors, break downs, vehicle events, domestic expense and 'house structure costs' are any/all likely for an impressive cross section of you. Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Cancer or other Archer members may have 'additional special needs/attention requirements'. Keeping UP with everything may 'frazzle your nerves' by/before the 23rd is over.

Love Horoscope

Love relationships are actually rather GOOD right up to the 22nd; then there sadly IS a 'risk factor ' for a SMALL cross section of you to 'hit termination threat' particularly IF paired to Cancer, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Aries or Leo. Just GIVE them what they want and try to 'get through it all'. Having an opinion, taking a 'stand' or standing in 'direct opposition' to something is VERY unwise this week, especially the 22/23rd. This is NOT a good week for singles UNLESS you find Libra, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Virgo or Cancer PRIOR to the 21st! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Invitations are likely and most of you will far too tempted to take them but IF THEY involve TRAVEL and they are scheduled FOR or presented ON the 22/23rd, it may be worth stalling to get more info, insight or just to 'let time pass'. Remember Mercury is retro and IF your plans are with Aquarius, Virgo or Gemini, they may NOT have things 'within their control' as much as they believe they do! Weather, also, may play a factor!

Career Highlights

This appears to actually be a VERY GOOD WEEK for the Archer in career, as long as you do NOT have to work the 22/23rd or deal with ANY 'off sight activities' schmoozing or not! Getting the nod on finances appears likely the 17th, power moves the 18th, co ventures the 19/20th and power people answering almost any request the 21st looks likely and 'smooth'.


Cooperative until the 22nd and then all bets are OFF!

Overview for Sagittarius

State of Mind:

Cooperative until the 22nd and then all bets are OFF!

Karma Numbers:

0, 3, 7, 11, 44

Buzz Words:

Armed with all the right 'info'.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to admit your short comings. Self-deception will be the main issue. You may be judging your situation wrongly. Don't hold back, say what you think. A positive mental outlook will be the result. Competitive sports activity will ease stress you feel. Use your discipline to accomplish your personal goals. Your ability to get your point across may be hurtful, but it will be appreciated. You need to make the changes necessary for your happiness. Expect disruptions at home. Try not to take things to heart. Acceptance is the key. Don't be afraid to ask for help. You'll be surprised at how willing others are to help out. It won't be easy to please family, friends or in-laws. It is better to please yourself than bang your head against a wall. You need to relax and get in touch with your own feelings. Lucky Numbers:  1, 3, 14, 23, 34, 35    Read more...

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