Weekly Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

June 1, 2015 - June 7, 2015


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

You are going to hear it; poor cooperation until the 4th • you'll hear this theme again and again as you read down your other sections that I wrote for you. It is NOT like you are up against a brick wall; you DO have some control but you should NOT go blithely into this week expecting high rates of support or even response! Once we get to the 5th, your position is sounder, respect and consideration grow and a far more 'reasonable tone' takes over your week.

Love Horoscope

Cooperation in love is not likely until we hit the 4th as many of you will be left in the dark about a wide variety of issues concerning both your feelings and more than likely, the actions or intentions of your partner/s, even IF you have been together a long time! Single Virgos do very well near the 4th to 6th even WITH the retro and when Venus enters Leo on the 5th, you seem to get a 'light in your tail' that may really get you going! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

You love to DO things with your pals, especially if the entertainment value is HIGH and cost is LOW. You may find some exciting travel this week and on a 'shoe string' budget, especially if others offer to 'open their house' to you and you have only the cost of transportation to worry about; follow the rules of protocol and 'gift' your host, even if it is after the fact.

Career Highlights

Cooperation may be at its WORST this week, especially the 2nd but don't let that stop you; your stars show you can 'make up' for just about ANYTHING the 4th to 6th and have more control over issues than may be realized on the surface and 'at the time.' Some 'takes money to make money' may be needed but appears to be likely necessary ONLY to salvage or protect something.


VERY unreliable; trust ONLY the traditional. Err on the part of caution!

Overview for Virgo

State of Mind:

Guarded until the 4th.

Karma Numbers:

26, 29, 34, 52, 60, especially 1960

Buzz Words:

It will happen but control is as much as you can.

Compatible Sign(s):

Leo, Virgo, Capricorn

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to act on your emotions. Sometimes, you may be too quick to re-act, but this week, you're right to take a stance. Others are the same as always, but your perception of them will change radically. Be aware that your words and your actions will affect them greatly. You can probably talk your way out it, but everybody is watching to see the outcome. Stay calm and your confidence level will rise. Everybody wants security, but their concepts may be different than yours. Your job is to find some common ground and then to start from there. Call for a truce and really listen to others' opinions. Seek the help of those who want to be productive instead of destructive. Lucky Numbers: 5, 15, 25, 28, 35, 45 Read more...

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