Daily Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

Horoscope for July 27, 2024

You will feel good, at ease, calm and peaceful. You will notice a strong sense of mental well-being. You will know how to draw from the lessons of the past, you will be thoughtful and wise. You will like to stay with the family, or to see close friends whom you have neglected a bit, through lack of time. The company of old friends and a relationship with a dependable older woman will give you pleasure. Nothing extraordinary in view, it'll be dead calm.

You will be on top form, really healthy, in good spirits. You will be full of go, your professional affairs will pose no difficulty. All your problems will be solved with alarming ease. Your good mood, your optimism, your goodness will help you and bring you the protection of influential people.

You take your time, and will think carefully before taking the slightest decision.

You will not be able to stand any constraint.

Good time to settle all your present problems.

You will want to listen to music, you will appreciate beautiful things, paintings, everything that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than before.

You will try hard to put your ideas into operation. Dreams could become the reality. You will like to travel by sea. You will be attracted by everything that is out-of-the-ordinary and take pleasure in the company of unusual people.

A time when distractions and dreams will make you lose contact with reality. You will be prey to forgetfulness. You will trust people who do not at all deserve it. You will take the dream for the reality.

You will be attracted by the occult, but will be incompetent at doing anything practical. Occult practices such as spiritualism will give you pleasure but will be harmful for you, possibly leading to dangerous obsessions for your mental balance.

You will not see things straight. You will be too optimistic about your chances of success and your ambitions will be greater than your ability to carry them out. You won't keep your promises, you will lie to suit yourself and to help what you perceive to be in your own interest. You may well have problems if you enter into any commercial transactions in this period. You will deceive the buyer, and a court case will follow. It would be better to avoid starting anything new, on the professional or emotional front.

You will have sudden bursts of anger, a changeable humor, and your circle will never know what to expect from you - they will be on the defensive. You will not be able to tolerate the slightest order from your bosses, especially if they are curt. You will want your bosses to put their requests in a proper form. You will rebel against all authority. In your emotional life, you will barely be tolerable: you may well have your pride hurt.

You will undergo sudden changes which will force you to face up to your problems alone, without any help. Make the best you can of this situation. Lots of little difficulties that have been ignored up till now will have to be resolved.

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