Daily Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

Horoscope for July 27, 2024

You will be very attracted by a member of the opposite sex. This person will be the type you like, with a very strong personality.

You will feel on top form, take the initiative. You will need to be much more independent than usual. You will have lots of great ideas that you will put into practice.

You will be full of energy, and take on the work of Hercules.

This transit will make you more sociable. It will make you realize that you, too, need other people - if only for their company. The ever so individualistic you will become more human, you will realize that you have perhaps been mistaken in the past. You will want to work with amazing people, you will discover solidarity. You will more attentive to others and will try to understand them. If you have a junior post, you will notice that your superiors are watching over you more carefully, more easily. If, on the other hand, you are a boss or are at the head of no matter what type of enterprise, your prestige will grow thanks to the social changes that you make within your organization.

You will thirst for knowledge. Very good time for intellectual work. You will have lots of bright ideas and the help of an intuition that will enable you to realize your plans, your new schemes. You will interested in every new thing, by new ideas - you will be attentive to all discoveries, innovations. You will want to travel and, if you can afford the journey of your dreams, take it as it will be an incredibly rich experience and your discoveries will be fruitful. You will meet interesting people with whom you will tie the knot of friendship.

You will be very tired and any effort will be painful. This transit is not good for the health and, as you will not be on form, your spirits won't be high either. You might lose heart, and be in an even worse humor. During this period, you must restrict yourself to the work in hand, refrain from any action, undertake nothing new and change nothing. Only strictly necessary routine, or paid holidays. Take a good look at the birth chart and the relevant Houses and Signs. Possibly get an X-ray of your blood circulation to check that there is no aneurysm or hardening of the blood vessels. A simple precaution.

Major stirring of self-consciousness. Your faith and convictions will be rattled, you will doubt everything and not know who to believe. You may well be too much influenced by an atmosphere coming from the poverty or break-up of one part of society, at home or abroad.

This influence is very depressing. It reinforces all the negative sides of Saturn in the birth chart. To evaluate this aspect, you must take another look at your birth chart. It is a period when you will suffer setbacks, reverses, disappointments of all sorts. You will look for solitude and tranquility to think over everything that has happened to you, to re-examine yourself and to try and overcome all these trials.

You will be a little eccentric. You will want to show off, to draw attention on yourself. You will be generous, but your passing acquaintances will abuse this. You will live like a king, going to fancy restaurants, over-eating and over-drinking, nighttime visits to places that have little to recommend them. This type of life will please you and all your savings, even your capital goods, may go up in smoke. Your family is unlikely to approve of your behavior, and conflicts will result.

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