Daily Horoscope for Virgo

Virgo Horoscopes

Horoscope for July 27, 2024

You will thirst for knowledge. Very good time for intellectual work. You will have lots of bright ideas and the help of an intuition that will enable you to realize your plans, your new schemes. You will interested in every new thing, by new ideas - you will be attentive to all discoveries, innovations. You will want to travel and, if you can afford the journey of your dreams, take it as it will be an incredibly rich experience and your discoveries will be fruitful. You will meet interesting people with whom you will tie the knot of friendship.

Very good time for those who work in contact with the public, clients or an audience. You will have a lot of success with the opposite sex: you will certainly let yourself be tempted.

You will feel on top form, in good humor without really knowing why. Nothing new in your life, but however a cloud of happiness surrounds you.

You will be energetic, full of go. You will take important decisions, with the necessary forethought. No rushing in to things. You will succeed in whatever you carry out, the projects in hand. You will be optimistic, unflappable. Your sexual instincts will be aroused.

You will be enthusiastic, frank, sincere, upright. Your disposition will be constructive. Business success. You will be attracted by sport and outdoor activities. Great vitality, overwhelming activity.

Everything depends on the position of Saturn in the birth chart. Nothing outstanding, extraordinary or unlucky will happen, it will be dead calm. You might be a little more stable and serious. It is more of a lackluster period, time works for you and you just have to wait for a more energizing transit, although this restful one can also be appreciated.

Your ambitions will outstrip your abilities. You will be too vain, impertinent, self-satisfied. You will tend to abuse the good things in life. Too many well-oiled small meals, substantial over-spending. You will want to show your circle that you are successful, while despising them. Your methods for achieving success could be outside the law.

Major stirring of self-consciousness. Your faith and convictions will be rattled, you will doubt everything and not know who to believe. You may well be too much influenced by an atmosphere coming from the poverty or break-up of one part of society, at home or abroad.

You will probably become intolerant, fanatical and with excessive hardness, seriousness and rigor. Circumstances are not going to smile on you. You will have money problems, difficulties in repaying a loan, a drop in income, fines. . .

You will not be in good form, and will be easily discouraged. The least amount of activity will be beyond your strength. You will not be able to assume your responsibilities. You will be cowed, incapable, demoralized and tired of everything. You will be depressed. You will see everything for the worse. Holidays are recommended because in such a period you could lose your job through bad performance, incapacity.

You will be very tired and unable to react to events. The least mental effort will be painful, you will have pessimistic thoughts, slow reflexes - in short, it's the time to go to the Bahamas, the more so as you hate the cold, the 'flu etc. . . Of course, on the professional level, nothing will go right in these conditions, and it is not the time to ask your boss for a favor. Nothing will work. If the Bahamas are too far away, stay lying down with a pile of good books, walk in the country for at least an hour a day and breathe deeply. Don't commit yourself to anything.

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