Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
July 19, 2021 - July 25, 2021
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Monday the 19th is an active and fulfilling day that will really keep you on your toes. There's a lot to do and others who depend on you and the day is long but rewarding.
Tuesday the 20th you can find excellent support for your ideas and signs like Gemini, Virgo, Cancer and other Aquarius are most helpful and supportive in getting you what you want or need. There may be an abrupt change near end of business hours and that support may expire so get it packed in your day while the getting is good.
Wednesday the 21st highly compatible personalities fill your morning and help guide you through the day with extras and surprises while your afternoon time seems to be reserved for back slapping arm pumping good old boy network type help. Your evening is filled with cheerful cooperation and a new friend of some kind is likely for a reasonable cross-section of you.
Thursday the 22nd others around you may have deeply personal or distressing problems. Do what you can, not all you can and reserve yourself for the evening when wonderful energies a way to give you an extremely relaxing and enjoyable cheerful time.
Friday the 23rd the full Moon in Aquarius gives you a long but fruitful day filled with everything from soup to nuts and all of them good. Progress, profit, camaraderie and closeness all seem to form a bundle that may be packed with small surprises along the way. While there may be hard work sewn in between it all the day itself appears to be well worth it. Trust your gut as your ESP is high.
Saturday the 24th most of your day hums along very nicely as you spend it however you wish but your evening holds a strange twist and your plans may change as you yourself don't know what you want.
Sunday the 25th is a wonderful day where you can relax and enjoy an old-fashioned Sunday where you can focus on filling your contentment meter all the way to the top.
Love Horoscope
You are such a "soft touch," a romantic at heart and a real push over for the ideal, and chances are, your mate already knows that big time and might use it to mend fences. How can anything really get better if you allow them to buy you off so easily, with some touching romantic blather!? Call them on the carpet until you see the behavior improve for good. For those of you who miss this one; it appears to be a week where paired Totters really appreciate a cooperative and supportive mate and single Aquarius' have bumper crop opportunity from Wednesday to Sunday! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Ah... Friends. What you wouldn't do for them. I ask or warn only one thing of you this week; that the pal deserves it and it's a reasonable request. Well, that's two things, but you get the idea! Enjoy shared hobbies and sports and try to carve some time out near Tuesday to Thursday while you adjust to something. Your stars show a very raw adjustment time then and there is nothing like a good pal at your side to help with that!
Career Highlights
Clean your plate from Monday to Thursday and make sure you are all caught up! That means that while Gemini and Virgo are in line ahead of you to catch the worst of it and get extra duty out of the way and you are still third in line; but in line...! That means you can catch some fall out from nasty power people looking to point fingers and/or dump things on someone. You are only vulnerable from Wednesday into Thursday but it is worthy of mention. The rest of the week, they leave you alone.
Not bad to rather good.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Vulnerable at times
Karma Numbers:
11, 16, 29, 30, 31
Buzz Words:
Be wiling to forgive but don't forget.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's horoscope is highlighted by your ability to outmaneuver & overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. You'll so fine, as long as you don't get angry. Don't give up just because you face opposition, turn on your charm and push ahead. You'll be indecisive, your romantic partner will be confused by your actions. Take the initiative and go after your goals. Business ventures can earn you extra cash. You'll have to be careful that you don't make rash decisions you'll regret later. Don't promise your mate that you'll do something for him or her unless you have full intentions of following through. Colleagues will sidetrack you if you get involved in a dispute. Read more...
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