Weekly Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus Horoscopes

July 19, 2021 - July 25, 2021


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Accomplishments and opportunities look plentiful on Monday the 19th and the afternoon hours are filled with opportunities to make connections and plans with friends for enjoyable encounters and pursuits as soon as today or as far out as the weekend of the 30th.

Tuesday the 20th is a fast little day where you can pack in a great deal and pile it up to accomplish a lot.

Wednesday the 21st your ruling planet, Venus, enters the sign of Virgo and your love life takes on a far more practical aspect. The day itself is one that is filled with good progress and great beauty. An appreciation for expanding the aesthetics of your life can be found around every corner today.

Thursday the 22nd be practical and reasonable in all your plans and they will work out exactly as you had imagined them especially with help from signs like Sagittarius, Libra and other Taurus. Today may be a special day for any number of reasons for a hefty cross-section of you.

Friday the 23rd is an excellent day for dealing with power people and getting others to agree to favors and things that you need. Lunch time is perfect for asking for favors or sharing your dream with others. Get them excited about what you want.

Saturday the 24th be discriminating about personal relationships and double check where you are at and where you want to be. The day itself can be an accomplished one, however, much of the day you are on your own.

Sunday the 25th appears to be an old fashioned and highly idealistic Sunday with good camaraderie and high contentment levels at the end of the day.

Love Horoscope

Here is a hot bed of activity for you and a likely string of successes too! Many of you have been sort of in the cue and waiting for something that you may have felt coming as far back as last April to May! Well, here it is! Many of you will score new candidates through meetings, work, friends and all forms of community networking. Paired Bulls will find highly successful solutions to problems that easily may have had them intimidated lately or as far back as January! Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

No one spoils their friends like you do! In fact, we are all guilty of overwhelming them at times and making them feel like they can not repay us in kind. We do that. We should not do that. If you find yourself doing that; cut back fast.

Career Highlights

Many Bulls are now entering a period that lasts until later September and tends to bring more rewards for current efforts. That can express itself in typical things like a raise or special benefits of some kind, or it can be as disappointing as something like "praise" and more sheen on the sterling reputation; not terribly materially rewarding. If you see it coming, steer it toward the one you want!


You may be asked "what you'd like." Speak up!

Overview for Taurus

State of Mind:

Far more contentment than normal.

Karma Numbers:

6, 11, 16, 36, 60

Buzz Words:

See what you can do with it.

Compatible Sign(s):


Weekly Overview

This week's horoscope is highlighted by your ability to stick to your budget. Don't bite off too much financially, losses will be evident if you aren't stringent with your money. Someone is likely to misinterpret you if you aren't perfectly clear about your intentions. Spend time pampering yourself and you'll be glad you did. Don't reveal secret information about others. Co-workers won't be willing to cooperate with you, and you'll have to accomplish projects on your own. Romantic connections could lead to a serious and prosperous arrangement. Mingle with intellectual people to meet the type of companions who will satisfy your needs. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. Read more...

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