Weekly Horoscope for Scorpio
July 19, 2021 - July 25, 2021
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Monday the 19th seems to be a day of many discussions and exchanges through various media from face to face, telephone, email and text and they must all be clear and concise so that the wrong impression or idea is not given. Can you see where face-to-face is the best format? Maybe that Skype/Zoom/FaceTime is the best way to go.
Tuesday the 20th you are swift and have many fruitful ideas and the day is packed with excellent negotiating powers and quick turnaround times on inquiries and pings.
Wednesday the 21st there's great harmony and cheerfulness in all that you do and the day seems filled with one progress after another and even if they are small you make good headway in all that you do.
Thursday the 22nd the sun moves into Leo and this is not an excellent time for you as everything you do is hard won and not easily gained. Today your overall pervasive feeling is one of restlessness with a cause that is unknown so don't try to dig around your psyche and figure out what's bothering you there isn't a cause you are just restless today. Maybe it's the upcoming full Moon? More than likely it's the aspect between your two rulers, Mars and Pluto and it will take some time for that to break up.
Friday the 23rd the full Moon has you engaged in quiet conversations back and forth between you and other people that give you insightful information and perhaps provide answers to situations that were bothering you, things that left you in the dark, things that now allow you to solve problems or things that give you a heads up for future situations.
Saturday the 24th is a quality "me time" day that is best spent solo doing things you enjoy as exchanges with others do not fare well.
Sunday the 25th others can be outspoken with you in most cases for the majority of you there is a small cross-section of you that may be the ones who are outspoken and in that case may be quarrelsome. Otherwise the day itself is a highly enjoyable one and good for relaxing with friends and family.
Love Horoscope
This can be a very successful week in romance for the Stinger, especially if you are looking to establish a clear and sound emotional connection, make repairs or begin a new status on the up and up, particularly with signs like Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Libra and other Scorpio. Growth factors are very encouraging and almost any degree or length of talking appears to deepen and widen an existing connection. Matches or serious upgrades made on Saturday/Sunday may take off so fast, they may scare you a little. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
If you feel close to rattling off your hinges this week, in personal or career situations, seek out a good pal who really understands the soft, underbelly of your personality and then open your ears and really listen to what this person/pal has to say. Take it in and roll it around until it makes sense to you too. Chances are, your good buddy wants the very best for you too.
Career Highlights
Several stumbling blocks appear on Monday and you must pick through them carefully by taking your time. Some situations need really fast addressing on Tuesday and it would be wise to drop everything and fix it on the spot if it carries any kind of threat. The rest of the week appears to just roll off your tongue, fall into place and become highly cooperative with all your needs, especially on Friday and particularly with communications of any kind.
Very good
Overview for Scorpio
State of Mind:
Calm and insightful
Karma Numbers:
8, 9, 11, 22, 29
Buzz Words:
Process and carefully
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's horoscope is highlighted by your ability to go into new ventures with enthusiasm and an open mind. Stay put and work on the projects that don't require a lot of travel or communication. Take things in stride. You are best to busy yourself with personal projects. You should be thinking about a career move. Someone you work for is probably trying to hold you back. Protect your reputation and prepare yourself for unexpected changes. It's time to take a serious look at getting into shape before summer hits and you have to shed some of those layers of clothing you've been hiding under. Get busy talking to those individuals who can offer you mental stimulation. You will be in a competitive mood, and any debate that comes your way will be welcomed. Read more...
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