Capricorn Rising - Ascendant

Rising Sign Characteristics for Capricorn

Keywords: Elongated face, Accepts responsibility, Retains youthful appearance, Competitive

A Capricorn Ascendant indicates individuals with energetic, success-oriented personalities, and determination to satisfy their personal goals. The shrewdness and open ambition associated with the sun or moon in Capricorn does not always show up so overtly in the personality of those with Capricorn Ascendant but these traits are present nevertheless. Most of them are very capable managers and supervisors, willing to accept responsibilities and positions of authority.

They strongly identify with the material world and tangible assets. Unless other factors in their personalities or backgrounds interfere, they are not likely to adopt easy-going, "take me as I am" attitudes. They feel more comfortable with formality. They want to be aware of all the rules of social conduct and adapt their actions to fit these structures. Consciously or subconsciously they specifically choose the company of people who make them look good. It is not unusual for handsome Capricorn Rising males to select less attractive wives or, beautiful Capricorn Rising women to select less attractive female friends.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, planet of structure, restriction and longevity. It is often an indication of a difficult birth or restricted childhood. However, it doesn't matter what particular difficulties life presents to these individuals, their biggest challenge is always themselves. They are apt to be disappointed with some aspect of their personalities or appearance and may develop conflicting behavior to deal with these feelings when they surface. Some of these individuals practice strict self denial, while others abandon themselves to hedonistic pleasures as a form of self destruction. They may even exhibit both types of behavior. At every turn they confront fears and insecurity. How well they deal with the conflict marks their success as well adjusted adults.

Capricorn ruling the first house raises the competitive spirit and by no means dictates the presence of a somber or colorless personality. On the contrary, it implies individuals who are apt to possess overcompensating cheerful personalities, and they willingly accept responsibilities and hardships which they are apt to feel they were born to endure. There is always a choice to be made, and the right one is never easy because it usually involves success which must be earned.

Capricorn Ascendant is usually indicative of abstemious eating habits which help these individuals avoid gaining too much weight. Sensitive skin, finely textured hair, brittle bones, and dental difficulties are apt to be their common physical complaints.

Daily Celebrity Birthdays

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