Leo Rising - Ascendant

Rising Sign Characteristics for Leo

Keywords: Craves abundance, Spendthrift, Congenial, Fun-loving, Attracts many friends

A Leo Ascendant indicates individuals who are likely to have strong physiques and lots of physical stamina. They are very stubborn and find it extremely difficult to break undesirable habits and behavior patterns. However, their tenacity and stamina can also be wonderful assets. When they get involved in something, they hang on long after everyone else runs out of steam, and they inspire others with their devotion to ideals and principles.

Leo indicates energy and enthusiasm. Once motivated, they seldom hesitate to act. In spite of their energy and enthusiasm however, they can also be inclined to physical laziness. Their natural enthusiasm is responsible for overabundance and a tendency to overestimate everything. When buying various personal items, for example, they often acquire far more than they need. Though often rash and hasty, their passions are sincere.

Leo is ruled by the sun, ruler of willpower and egotistical drives. It indicates the conscious or subconscious need to dominate, especially in those with more aggressive personalities. They want to have the last word in everything, and may come to believe their opinion is the only one worth considering.

The negative potential for Leo Ascendant individuals is evidenced in those whose ego-driven personalities turn them into manipulative, power-oriented demagogues. Though most Leo Ascendant individuals are apt to be outgoing, they are not necessarily aggressive or loudly gregarious. Their personalities will be greatly influenced by the nature and strength of their willpower and ego involvement. If the willpower and ego are not strong, then neither is the personality apt to be assertive.

No matter what the rest of the world may think of them, it is meaningless compared to what they think of themselves. Intense self-absorption makes it hard to accept guidance from others, and they may feel taking or asking for advice from others is a sign of weakness. They enjoy associating with others who make them appear at their best. They have great generosity, and their warm, friendly approach wins many friends, as well as inspires the envy of others with less popular personalities. Life will rarely be a routine existence.

They are apt to be very creative with special talent or ability in art, music, or the entertainment and communication industries. Overwork, anxiety, heart problems, lower back pains, and ailments connected with overindulgence are their most likely physical complaints.

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