Moon in Leo

Rising Sign Characteristics for Leo

Keywords: Braggart, Creative, Materialistic, Self-indulgent, Confident, Fun-loving

Those born with the moon in a Fire sign want to turn their feelings into physical experiences. They do not initially view their desires from the standpoint of practicality, emotional commitment, or as lessons to be learned. Before anything else there has to be action, some form of instant physical gratification.

As lunar Fire sign personalities, those with moon in Leo are magnanimous and passionate in the expression of their feelings. Unfortunately, Leo's tendency for exaggeration can lead to being what others may consider insincere. The excitement of a particular moment may cause them to sincerely and passionately say or do things that, unfortunately, may later be forgotten. Pride is their emotional downfall. They cannot separate emotions from ego. It is ego that prompts them to consciously or subconsciously dominate emotional relationships. Others can elicit their cooperation or obtain their positive response by applying subtle flattery, but absolutely nothing will be gained by backing them up against the wall and wounding their pride.

Leo moon personalities can be extremely stubborn. They have purpose, determination, and tenacity when it comes to getting what they want. Strongly idealistic, they are capable of great personal sacrifice for causes in which they passionately believe. Even when presented with irrefutable evidence that their idealism or loyalty has been misguided, they may find it difficult to move on. They are very assertive when it comes to protecting not only their own freedom but also the rights and freedom of others. They have a jealous nature, though they are not particularly possessive. When a romance ends, they are more apt to suffer from a wounded ego than a broken heart. They are likely to have artistic talent, or at least great interest in art, architecture, and design.

Women with Leo moon are forceful, materialistic, and preoccupied with status. However, they are also able to accept responsibilities as a matter of honor, and behave with exceptional grace and dignity in the face of insult and adversity. Men with Leo moon can be braggarts who always want the last word. They have endless schemes and grandiose plans as they seek all the good things in life. When good fortune does come their way, they are usually very generous in sharing it with others.

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