Moon in Libra

Rising Sign Characteristics for Libra

Keywords: Love of elegance, Charming, Noncombative, Cooperative, Flirtatious

Those born with the moon in an Air sign usually respond to situations in a way they think should fit the facts, that is, they act in a way they think others expect them to act, or they imitate the same behavior as others. This gives them the appearance of emotional coolness or non-involvement. Before turning a situation into a physical experience, and before considering the stability or practicality of the thing, or even how they may really feel about it, they tend to do and say what seems appropriate as if it were not really happening to them. In spite of what appears to be their analytical detachment, most of them are loving and loyal in relationships.

As Lunar Air Sign personalities, those with moon in Libra don't want to be emotionally compromised, preferring to let go of a relationship if their partner is not equally willing or enthusiastic. As a rule, they are disinclined to live alone. If they are not married or romantically involved, they will be content with an amiable companion. For them to seek a long-term emotional relationship with someone, they must feel an intellectual rapport as well as physical attraction. Their accomplishments are often the direct result of the stimulation and encouragement they receive from other people.

Libra moon personalities are dedicated to getting their own way and accomplishing personal goals. Excellent at planning and preparing projects, they would rather charm others into physically carrying them out. Though excellent at paying attention to details, strategizing, and problem solving in their business or profession, they can be impractical, overindulgent, or inconsistent when it comes to handling personal situations. There is strong attachment to home and family though it may not always be obvious in their life style. In one way or another they experience more than their fair share of good and bad experiences with partners, legal matters, and big decisions. Aesthetic tastes are exhibited, for the most part, in dressing well, interest in art and music, or an attractively decorated home.

Women with moon in Libra have an emotional temperament more inclined to be interested in financial matters, social activities, and intellectual endeavors, than in raising children or taking care of household chores. Men with Libra moon possess a certain streak of domesticity which may show up as an interest in cooking, home furnishings or gardening. There are apt to be one or two strong or influential females in their background. If their mate fails to keep them mentally stimulated, their physical attention tends to wander.

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