Famous Birthdays - Celebrity Birthdays

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Birthdays for 5th of February

Bobby Brown1969Boston Massachusetts
Singer, married to Whitney Houston, a sometimes difficult private life, arrested on several occasions 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Capricorn
Jennifer J. Leigh1962Los Angeles California
Actress, b.JenniferLeigh Morrow, daughter of actor Vic Morrow & screenwriter Barbara Turner, "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Gemini
Mark Fuhrman1952Eatonville Washington
LA Policeman, involved in OJ Simpson trial, accused of planting evidence, resigned from police force 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Aquarius
Barbara Hershey1948Los Angeles California
Actress, films include "The Right Stuff", "The Natural", "Hannah and Her Sisters", "The Last Temptation of Christ" 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Aries
Roger Staubach1942Cincinnati Ohio
Football player, quarterback for Dallas Cowboys, retired 1980 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Sagittarius
John Guare1938New York New York
Playwright, praised for satiric works since his first play "Muzeeka" 1968, "Atlantic City" 1981 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Cancer
Hank Aaron1934Mobile Alabama
Baseball player, all-time champion home-run hitter, major leagues at 20 years old 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Virgo
Adlai Stevenson1900Los Angeles California
Gov. of IL, U.S. Rep. for U.N., Asst. Sec. of Navy 
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius - Ascendant: Gemini

Horoscopes for this week

Ari | Tau | Gem | Can | Leo | Vir | Lib | Sco | Sag | Cap | Aqu | Pis

Daily Celebrity Birthdays

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Jay Leno (1950), Ann-Margret (1941), Saddam Hussein (1937), Odette Sansom (1912), Bart Bok (1906),...

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